Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mark Warner: Are you with us to fight Trump?

Tomorrow, December 1st 2016, from 9-10am, at the corner of North 10th Street and Bank Street in Richmond, there will be a demonstration to encourage Virginia's Democratic senator Mark Warner to oppose the agenda of the Trump presidency, beginning by publicly denouncing the appointment of Jeff Sessions, a man so racist the senate voted not to confirm him for a federal judgeship. I usually include only an excerpts of event descriptions, but in this case, I think you really have to read everything the organizers put together:

As our nation looks towards the next four years, we need to fight tooth and nail to oppose Trump's agenda. But are Democrats with us? For too long, Democrats like Mark Warner took young voters and people of color for granted, and sold out working class people in favor of Wall Street. Once again, they’re putting our lives and democracy on the line by considering compromises with Trump. They may be bought by Wall Street - but we won’t let them sell us out to an authoritarian.

Our Demands:
1. Democrats - like Mark Warner - must pledge to block Donald Trump's racist and fascist agenda.
2. Warner should publicly denounce Jeff Sessions’ appointment.
3. As long as Bannon is Chief Strategist, refuse to meet with Trump.

For a year and half, Donald Trump pushed a hateful vision of America. Now, Donald Trump is appointing a leadership team whose values align with Trump’s dark and dangerous promises. 

Democrats, you must pick a side: Trump or all of us. If you negotiate with a racist fascist and his klan, we will support primary challengers against you.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Indian Country Today's guide on how to donate to the Standing Rock Water Protectors

Chelsey Luger of Indian Country Today has assembled a guide on how to donate to the pipeline resistors up at Standing Rock. You can read the story here

Standing Together RVA Community Gathering

Sunday, December 4th 2016, from 3:30-5pm, at Third Street Bethel AME Church (614 North 3rd Street, Richmond VA), several religious and community groups are partnering to hold a non-political event to discuss the recent rise in hate speech and bias. 

From the organizers: "This gathering is an opportunity to stand together with those who have increasingly been targeted and marginalized, and to demonstrate concern about the recent rise in hate speech, bias, and division. The program will include speakers, sharing, and small group dialogues. Note that this is not a political or partisan event, but will focus on our common values and commitment to standing together."

Organizers of this effort include representatives from Bon Secours Richmond Health System, the Interfaith Council of Greater RichmondRichmond HillRichmond Peace Education Center ☮St. Paul's Episcopal Church (Richmond, VA)St. Philip's Episcopal ChurchTemple Beth-ElUnitarian Universalist Community ChurchVirginia Center for Inclusive CommunitiesVirginia Council of ChurchesVirginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, and the Virginia Muslim Coalition For Public Affairs.

Free, open to the public (seating limited to the first 400 attendees) For more info and to RSVP, see this link. To add this event to your Google calendar, click here

The Fight for $15 Day of Disruption is Today!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Art Show: Welcome Refugees by Emily Patton

This Friday, December 2nd 2016, from 6-9pm, at EDIT: an art gallery for good (8 East Broad Street, Richmond VA), photographer Emily Patton will be showing a series of photos. From the event description: "This show is focused on the current refugee crisis that is happening within the country of Turkey. Come out for First Friday to see portraits of Iraqi and Syrian people and hear their stories."

Free, open to the public. 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link. To copy this event to your Google Calendar, click here

World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil in Carytown

Thursday, December 1st 2016, from 5:15-6:30pm, starting and ending at the parking lot of the Carytown Martin's (3522 West Cary Street, Richmond VA), Health Brigade and the Carytown Merchant's Association are partnering to hold a silent march and candlelight vigil for World AIDS Day. 

Free, open to the public. For more info and to RSVP, see this link. To add this event to your Google Calendar, click here

Interfaith World AIDS Day Observance

Thursday, December 1st 2016, from 7-10pm, at the Holy Rosary Catholic Church (3300 R Street, Richmond VA), there will be an interfaith observance to commemorate the lives lost to AIDS and learn about the current state of HIV/AIDS and relevant public health measures. The observance will be followed by a reception.
Free, open to the public. For more info and to RSVP, see the link. To add this event to your Google calendar, click here

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Gathering in Support of Standing Rock

This Saturday, December 3rd 2016, from 10am-5pm, in Byrd Park (600 Swan Lake Drive, Richmond VA), there will be a gathering in support of the Standing Rock Sioux in their resistance against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Free, open to the public. 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link. To add this to your Google Calendar, click here

"Troubled Water: Voices from Bath" Anti-Atlantic Coast Pipeline Premiere in Richmond, VA

Wednesday, November 30th 2016, from 6:30-10:30pm, at the Hofheimer Building (2818 West Broad Street, Richmond VA), the multi-media anti-Atlantic Coast Pipeline project, "Troubled Water: Voices from Bath," will have its Richmond debut. From the event description: 

"Troubled Water: Voices from Bath is a multi-media, multi-perspective experience, addressing issues of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) and the potential impacts in Bath County, VA. Through exquisite photos and a moving documentary-style film, this project shares stories of Bath residents, their history, relationship with the land and dreams for it. It gives voice to those with deep understanding of the unique environment of the Bath County area and, above all, illustrates and magnifies the highly personal ways the ACP is affecting the vibrant community and magnificent environment of Bath County and the heartlands of Virginia."

Free, open to the public. For more info and to RSVP, see this linkTo add this event to your Google calendar, see this link.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Fight for $15 November 29th National Day of Disruption: Richmond, VA

Tuesday, November 29th 2016, the Fight for $15 is holding a day of disruption for a $15  minimum wage and union rights. Protests, strikes, and other actions will be taking place across the country in over 340 cities. From the organizers: 

"We are the 64 million hardworking Americans that make far too little to live. We reject the politics of divisiveness that tear America apart by race, religion, ethnicity, and gender. We say unequivocally – any efforts to block wage increases, gut workers' rights, deport immigrants, or support racism or racist policies will be met with unrelenting opposition."

In Richmond, Virginia, the events will begin at 6am with a rally at the West Broad McDonald's (2700 West Broad Street, Richmond VA), followed by a noon panel and barbecue at Greater Mt. Moriah Baptist Church (904 North 1st Street, Richmond VA), and wrapping up with a rally and march leaving from that location at 5pm. To find an event in your city, click here

For more info and to RSVP, see this link. To add this event to your Google calendar, see this link

Trans Inspiration Project 2016 Celebration/Proyecta para Inspiración Trans Celebración 2016

Trans Inspiration Project 2016 Celebration

Friday, December 9th 2016, from 2-7pm, at Diversity Richmond (1407 Sherwood Avenue, Richmond VA), the Virginia Anti-Violence Project, Nationz Foundation, and Health Brigade are holding "Trans Inspiration Project: a day of empowerment, education, and celebration for and by the trans and gender non-conforming community." The schedule is as follows: 

All day: Food, HIV and syphilis testing, medical consultations
2-5pm: Workshops, including topics such as Know Your Rights, Healing, Zine Making, and more
5-7pm: Story sharing, open mic, talent show, and more

The event is free, but attendees are asked to RSVP by December 1st. 

Proyecta para Inspiración Trans Celebración 2016

Viernes, 9 de diciembre 2016, de 2-7 PM a Diversity Richmond (1407 Sherwood Avenue, Richmond, Virginia) la Virginia Anti-Violence Project, Nationz Foundation, y Health Brigade están presentando “Trans Inspiration Project: un dia de empoderamiento, educación, y celebración para y por la comunidad trans y los que no conformen a género.” El horario está así:

Todo el día: comida, probar para el HIV y sifilis, consultaciones médicos
2-5 PM: talleres de varios sujetos, incluso de saber sus derechos, curación, hacer los zines, y más
5-7 PM: compartido de relatos, micrófono abierto, concurso de talentos, y más

Este evento es gratis, pero asistentes deben RSVP por Dec 1.

Columbus monument splashed with red paint for Thanksgiving

The semi-annual Thanksgiving defacement of the Columbus statue near Byrd Park appears to have gone down in the early hours of November 24th, right on schedule. 
Richmond, Virginia 2016. Photo credit to Antifascists of the Seven Hills (ASH)

Free LGBTQ-Friendly Self Defense Class

Saturday, December 3rd 2016, from 2:30-4pm, at Revolution Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (2125 Staples Mill Road, Richmond VA), Revolution BJJ is holding a free, LGBTQ-friendly self-defense class. This class will be the first of three. From the event description: 

"Join us for a free workshop (the first in a series of 3) on self-defense. This class is open to anyone interested in learning self-defense, but we want to make it explicitly clear that we are aiming to create a welcoming environment for those in the LGBTQ community. We are aware that many LGBTQ adults and teens (especially trans people, including nonbinary & genderqueer folks) might not feel welcome in a normal training environment. Our goal is to counteract that and provide everyone with a safe space to train. We’ll cover: Standing self defense - defending yourself on your feet Ground self defense - what to do of you are taken down to the ground by an attacker."

Free, open to the public. Carpooling is available, and the location is accessible to the #6 bus line. For questions, contact Alley at 

Spaces are limited, and you must RSVP. For more information– including how to RSVP– see this link

Friday, November 25, 2016

RIHD Annual Holiday Gathering

Saturday, December 10th 2016, from 5-8pm, at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church (1720 Mechanicsville Turnpike, Richmond VA), Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged (RIHD) is holding their annual holiday celebration. Families of prisoners and the formerly incarcerated are invited for food and fellowship. 

Free, open to the public. 

To RSVP, email Ms. Brenda at 

No DAPL! Black Friday Campaign for Standing Rock

Today, Friday November 25th 2016, from 12-5pm, at Gallery 5 (200 West Marshall Street, Richmond VA), the Richmond Independent Zine Library is holding a letter writing/call in event to pressure public officials to support the Standing Rock water protectors in their fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline. These brave protesters, lead by the Sioux Nation whose land has been stolen to undertake this environmentally disastrous project, have been out in the field for months, and are facing intense violence from local law enforcement and private security. From the event description: 

"Join us in the Richmond Independent Zine Library at Gallery 5 for a letter writing campaign to our representatives and a phone bank to jam the lines and ask that the various agencies who've sent people to attack the Water Protectors bring their people home. This thanksgiving the only thanks should be given to the Water Protectors who are putting their lives and health on the line to stand for what is right. While we may not be able to put our bodies at the Standing Rock Camp or even our money, we can still take action! 

We will have supplies and snacks, but if you have some to share, do contribute! If you're planning to make calls, you will need your own cell phone. Laptops are not required, but if you prefer typing, please feel free to bring your laptop."

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Carytown CVS employees inexplicably call police on two shoppers

You can read ABC 8's coverage here. Here's the summary: 

Two black men, roommates Ricky Berry and Philip Blackwell, walked into the Carytown CVS earlier this week to buy groceries. The employees freaked out, disappeared into the back, and called the police. An officer arrived and, once he actually found the employees and learned that they wanted him to expel two guys trying to buy cheese, told the roommates that they'd have to leave or be charged with trespassing.

CVS told ABC 8 that the employees, who were evidently so threatened by customers buying groceries that they hid in a locked room for 45 minutes while the objects of their terror wandered around looking for a cashier to check them out, will be interviewed about the incident and possibly re-trained.

I genuinely don't know what commentary to add, because this is baffling.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Post-Election Meeting for Parents of LGBTQ+ Youth

Wednesday, November 30th 2016, from 6-7:30pm, at Friends of Side by Side (2311 Westwood Avenue, Richmond VA), several local LGBTQ organizations are partnering to hold a meeting for parents of LGBTQ+ youth. From the event description: 

"We have heard from many parents of LGBTQ+ youth that they are feeling particularly nervous, scared, or upset after this year's election season. Friends of Side by Side is partnering with PFLAG Richmond and He She Ze and We to provide a space for parents of LGBTQ+ youth to come and find community, express concern, and connect with new resources."

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Monday, November 21, 2016

"The 'B' Is Not Silent: Bisexual+ Support Group" with the Richmond and Tidewater Bisexual/Non-Monosexual Network

Tuesday, November 22nd 2016, from 7-8:30pm, at Diversity Richmond (1407 Sherwood Avenue, Richmond VA), the Richmond and Tidewater Bisexual/Non-Monosexual Network (ROBIN) is holding their first meeting of their confidential bisexual+ support and discussion group. From the event description:

"We are a confidential support and discussion group in Richmond open to anyone who identifies as bisexual, bi-curious or non-monosexual. Our goal is to create a safe and inclusive space for bisexual+ individuals within the Richmond LGBTQIA+ community." 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project New Volunteer Interest Meeting

Sunday, December 11th, from 3-5:30pm, location disclosed upon registration, the Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project is holding an interest meeting for volunteers in search of a political organization to call their own. 

The Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project is an all-volunteer private abortion fund serving Central Virginia. They help people who need abortions get care, by assisting financially, helping them find a provider, and more. I can't recommend them enough, they're really out there on the front lines of reproductive health advocacy. 

For more information and to RSVP, see this link. You must register to attend, and to see the venue, by December 5th. 

Showing Up for Racial Justice Richmond: November General Meeting

Tuesday, November 29th 2016, from 7-9pm at the First UU Church of Richmond (1000 Blanton Avenue, Richmond VA), Showing Up for Racial Justice RVA (SuRJ RVA) is holding a general meeting. From the event description: 

"We will be breaking into committees, hearing progress reports, and planning more chances for education and activism within our group. The pluralistic nature of this organization values the input of all participants. Bring your ideas, your talents, your passion as we come together to work for Justice."

Childcare will be provided, but you must follow the instructions on the event page. Free, open to the public. 

For more information and to RSVP, see the link

Showing Up for Racial Justice Richmond: White Anti-Racist Thanksgiving Conversations Practice

Tuesday, November 22nd 2016, from 8-10pm at the First UU Church of Richmond (1000 Blanton Avenue, Richmond VA), Showing Up for Racial Justice RVA (SuRJ RVA) is holding a training and practice session for white anti-racists to prepare for confronting racism and bigotry during holiday gatherings like Thanksgiving. From the event description: 

"Thanksgiving can provide a unique opportunity for white folks to engage in meaningful dialogue with friends and family around racial justice. SuRJ RVA wants to provide an opportunity for you to come practice your arguments, refine your comments, and prepare yourself for real conversations around racial justice." 

Free, open to the public. For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Petition VCU's President Rao to Affirm Protection of the Immigrant Community

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an immigration policy implemented by the Obama administration in 2012, by executive order. DACA allows undocumented immigrants who arrived in the USA as children before 2007 to apply for renewable work permits, and have some protection from deportation. Trump has made ending DACA and deporting previously-protected undocumented immigrants a priority of his administration. 

In light of this, this petition is calling on President Rao to support VCU's undocumented community by opposing anti-immigrant policies like those proposed by Trump. Everybody with an affiliation with VCU is encouraged to sign: students, alumni, staff, faculty, and members of the Richmond community.

This op-ed by Miguel Molina, an undocumented childhood arrival and current student at Ivy Tech Community College in Indiana, was published today in the New York Times. It describes what an end to DACA would mean for the up to 1.7 million undocumented people who arrived here as children, often fleeing violence and poverty in their countries of origin. 

Please sign and pass it on. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Screening of "When Two Worlds Collide: A Battle for Indigenous Amazonian Land": VCU PLUMAS

Tomorrow, Monday November 21st 2016, from 7-9pm, at the VCU Student Commons (907 Floyd Avenue, Richmond VA), PLUMAS at VCU is holding a film screening for Indigenous People's Day. From the event description:

"Come out and join us in watching "When Two Worlds Collide: A Battle for Indigenous Amazonian Land", a new documentary showing the struggle of an Peruvian indigenous community against environmental pollution on the part of the government. We'll have a brief discussion afterwards, and we'll also have new PLUMAS crewnecks to give out to attendees. The film is provided by VCU Kanopy."

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Direct Action and Organizing Workshop 2 with ASH (Antifascists of the Seven Hills)

Tomorrow, Monday November 21st 2016, from 4-7pm, at the Richmond's Main Branch Library (101 East Franklin Street, Richmond VA), ASH, Antifascists of the Seven Hills, is holding another direct action and organizing training for people interested in resisting the new Trump administration and its policies. This event will be a repeat of the November 20th training, which saw high interest, not a part two. From the event description: 

"The workshop will focus on how to be safe, strategic and powerful while marching in the streets. It will also cover the basics of organizing to provide you with skills for building power with those around you to oppose the fascist agenda of Donald Trump."

The organizers are asking for a $5-10 donation, to go to the legal fund of 12 protesters arrested in Richmond on November 9th, but nobody will be turned away for lack of funds. Open to the public. 

For more information and to RSVP, see this link

Keeshae Jacobs is still missing: have you seen her?

Keeshae Jacobs, a 21 year old African American woman, went missing on September 26th 2016 after telling family members she'd see them the next day. She was last seen on the 3100 block of East Broad Street in Church Hill. It's now November, and her family has still not heard from her, and there has been no activity on her bank account. 

Ms. Jacobs is 5'3", approximately 100 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes. She has a tattoo of a leaf on her right foot, paws on her right leg, and a flower on her right hand. 

For more information, see Church Hill People's News here

"Make America White Again" posters appearing around VCU's Monroe Park campus

They're advertisements for an alt-right neo-Nazi blog titled "the Right Stuff". This one was photographed on Laurel Street, near VCU's Johnson Hall, last week. 

A spray bottle of solvent and a putty knife will remove even wheat-pasted posters. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Free HIV Testing at the Capital Area Health Network

Thursday, December 1st 2016, from 10am-1pm, the Capital Area Health Network (719 North 25th Street, Richmond VA) is offering free HIV testing. If you have a test done, you may elect to be entered into a drawing for a $25 Visa gift card.

Next Steps with PLUMAS at VCU

Today, November 17th 2016, at 6:30pm in room 1030C of VCU's West Grace North (830 West Grace Street, Richmond VA), PLUMAS (Political Latinxs United for Movement and Action in Society) is holding an event to discuss the outlook for immigration after the election. There will be a presentation on the current realities, changes to be implemented in 2017, and what can be done to prepare. Legal aid will be present to answer specific questions. 

Free, open to the public. The venue is wheelchair accessible. 

For more information, email 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

$20 Weekend Ride Share to Keen Mountain Correctional Center

Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged (RIHD) is organizing a weekend trip to Keen Mountain Correctional Center, December 16th-18th. $20 per rider, seating is limited and given out on a first-paid basis. 

Mail payments to: 

Pastor Preston Mitchell
5036 Back Valley Road
Big Stone Gap, VA 24219

For more information, text Ms. K at 804-426-4426. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Richmond, VA Stands with the Standing Rock Sioux– #NoDAPL

Tomorrow, November 15th, is a National Day of Solidarity with the Standing Rock water protectors. From 12-1pm, at the Richmond office of the Army Corps of Engineers (9100 Arboretum Parkway #235, North Chesterfield VA), there will be a rally to call on the Corps to revoke the permits necessary for the Dakota Access Pipeline. 

Routed through an American Indian nation to avoid endangering North Dakota's white communities, the pipeline threatens the reservation's only water source. The resistance has been met with repeated, continuing brutality, but has persevered and is now the largest gathering of American Native tribes in 100 years. Let's show our support. #NoDAPL!

For more info and to RSVP, see this link. Direct questions to Glen Besa at 

A retrospective on Wednesday, November 9th's anti-Trump march, from the Black Rose Anarchist Federation

Richmond's Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra released a retrospective of Wednesday night's anti-Trump march, during which 12 protesters were arrested. 

You can read it here.

Estate Planning in the African American Community

Tuesday. November 15th 2016, from 12-1pm, at the Main Branch of the Richmond Public Library (101 East Franklin Street, Richmond VA), the African American Heritage Association of Virginia (AAHAVA) is holding an information session titled "Estate Planning in the African American Community," as part of their Lunch & Learn lecture series. Attorney Melanie Lee, of the Lee Law Office, will be the speaker. 

Free, open to the public. 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Benefit show for the Virginia Anti-Violence Project at 3 Moons: Dazeases, Yaya, This Land is Now Dead, and Van Hägar

Friday, November 18th 2016, from 8-11pm, at 3 Moons (a venue at a private home: message the hosts for the address), there will be a benefit show for the Virginia Anti-Violence Project, a local organization to address violence especially within LGBTQ communities. Acts include Dazeases, Yaya, This land is now dead., and Van Hägar.

Suggested donation of $5 at the door. The venue has a sobriety policy; no drugs or alcohol permitted.

Trans Holiday Dinner at Diversity Richmond

Wednesday, December 7th 2016, from 7-9pm, at Diversity Richmond(1407 Sherwood Avenue, Richmond VA), TDOR RVA is hosting a trans holiday dinner for Richmond's transgender community. Free. RSVP by November 30th.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Direct Action and Organizing Training with ASH (Antifascists of the Seven Hills)

Sunday, November 20th 2016, from 4-7pm, at the Rag & Bones Bicycle Co-op (3110 West Leigh Street, Richmond VA), ASH (Antifascists of the Seven Hills) is holding a direct action and organizing training for people interested in resisting the new Trump administration and its policies. From the event description: 

"The workshop will focus on how to be safe, strategic and powerful while marching in the streets. It will also cover the basics of organizing to provide you with skills for building power with those around you to be oppose the fascist agenda of Donald Trump."

The organizers are asking for a $5-10 donation, to go to the legal fund of 12 protesters arrested in Richmond on November 9th, but nobody will be turned away for lack of funds. Open to the public. 

For more information and to RSVP, see this link

Reflection Space and Discussion with the Richmond Peace Education Center: 2016 Election

Tomorrow, Tuesday November 15th 2016, from 5:30-8:30pm, venue to be announced, the Richmond Peace Education Center is holding an informal discussion on the election of Donald Trump earlier this month, what his election means, and what to do about it. From the description: 

At the Richmond Peace Education Center, we have long sought to build a community that appreciates diversity, resolves conflicts nonviolently, builds safety through community, shares economic and political power equitably, and empowers all individuals to live full and abundant lives.

For more information and to RSVP, see this link or email 

Raise Up Fight for $15 Community Meeting on the November 29th Strike

Tomorrow, Tuesday November 15th 2016, from 6:30-8pm, at 904 North 1st Street, Richmond VA, Raise Up, the Fight for $15, is holding a community meeting on events planned for the November 29th low-wage worker strike. This date is the four year anniversary of the first major citywide strike of fast food workers in New York City. From the event description: 

Despite setbacks across the nation, this election showed that raising wages is a winning issue with voters. 4 states - Arizona, Colorado, Maine and Washington - overwhelmingly approved ballot measures to raise the minimum wages. Low wage workers in VA are asking all progressive allies to join us in the streets on November 29th and in the months and years ahead to push elected officials to fight for working families, for immigrant justice, for Black Lives.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

What info do you need when you're deciding whether or not to attend an event?

Hey folks, 

I finally put together a form people can use to submit events. It got me thinking: what information, besides the usual vital What When Where type stuff, do you need in order to determine if you can attend an event? 

I try to include wheelchair accessibility information and sometimes details on the bathroom situation (single stall, unisex, changing table available, etc), but I don't always know the venue. If the content of the event seems to call for it, I specify if alcohol will be present, and if there are any age restrictions for attendees. What other things should I ask about? What would be helpful for you to know?

You can answer in the comments here, or email me at 


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Lecture with Dr. Maboula Soumahoro, "France in the 21st Century: Christianity, Islam, and Race in a Secular, Colorblind Society."

Monday, November 21st 2016, from 3-4pm, in the Forum Room at the VCU Student Commons (907 Floyd Avenue, Richmond VA), Dr. Maboula Soumahoro of the University of Tours Francois-Rabelais will give a lecture titled "France in the 21st Century: Christianity, Islam, and Race in a Secular, Colorblind Society." 

Free, open to the public. For more info, see the link

Friday, November 11, 2016

November meeting of Showing Up for Racial Justice RVA, a new local racial justice org

Sunday, November 13th 2016, from 2-3:30pm, at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond (1000 Blanton Avenue, Richmond VA), Showing Up for Racial Justice RVA, a new local racial justice org, is holding their November meeting. After the meeting, attendees are encouraged to head over to Diversity Richmond for ROOT to HEAL to GROW: Nurturing Richmond's Community, a meeting on how to join in with the existing social justice work happening in the city. 

Free, open to the public. There will be a collection taken at the meeting: half of the proceeds will go to cover childcare, and half will be donated to ICE Out of RVA. The venue is wheelchair accessible.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

"ROOT to HEAL to GROW: Nurturing Richmond's Community" Event to Get Involved

Sunday, November 13th 2016, from 4-6pm, at Diversity Richmond (1407 Sherwood Avenue, Richmond VA), several local social justice organizations, including Southerners On New Ground, Us Giving, RVA Connection, Virginia Anti-Violence ProjectNew Beginnings Christian Church (NBCCRVA)Friends of Side by Side (formerly ROSMY), Showing Up for Racial Justice RVA, and the Richmond Lesbian-Feminists, are holding a community meeting on how to get involved in local organizing. The schedule is as follows:
4 - 4:30 pm – Oral History of RVA Local Organizing & Community Share
4:30 - 6:00 pm – Healing Space & Plugging into Current Community Projects
Free, open to the public. If you have accessibility needs, see the “discussion” portion of the event page. The venue is wheelchair accessible.
For more information– including how to add your organization to a list of social justice orgs in Richmond– and to RSVP, see the link. I encourage everybody who’s able to attend.

For more information– including how to add your organization to a list of social justice orgs in Richmond– and to RSVP, see this link

"Richmond Grabs Back" Anti-Trump Demo

Saturday, November 12th 2016, at 4pm, in the Compass at VCU’s Monroe Park Campus (in front of the library, 901 Park Avenue, Richmond VA), there will be another anti-Trump gathering and demo. The organizers are working to get people together to protest the inauguration. 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

What fascists operate in Richmond?

Below is my answer to a question submitted to the Active-RVA Tumblr. If you have a question you want to ask, the best way to reach me is at Here it is:

To my knowledge, there aren’t currently any openly fascist organizations operating in Richmond. However: 

The Traditionalist Worker’s Party, whose ideology is essentially fascist (they want an authoritarian white-only America where opposition to non-white immigrants unites whites across class lines), is trying to establish a chapter at VCU. To my knowledge, they’ve got like 2-3 students involved, but their activities are currently limited to fliering and posting in VCU-related Facebook groups. Their primary organizer is a philosophy student named Derrick Davis. 

The Virginia Flaggers are neo-Confederates whose primary goal is to put Confederate imagery on things. They mostly protest in front of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts a couple of times a week, organized armed patrols to protect Monument Avenue’s Confederate monuments from vandalism, and every year or so they raise a bunch of money to erect a huge Confederate flag somewhere visible to the highway. Their ideology is weird to pin down, because they very much buy into the “Heritage Not Hate” slogan, and even have a single black member they hold up against charges of racism. However, they’ve also got members who used to be with the Klan, a relationship with the League of the South (advocates modern Southern succession to establish a whites-only state), and are friendly with Matthew Heimbach (founder of the Traditionalist Worker’s Party, described above). 

Around the state, we’ve got chapters of the Ku Klux Klan and the Wolves of Vinland, a white nationalist group structured like a motorcycle club which is mostly a prison gang. They own property in Lynchburg. 

If you want to fight fascist and white nationalist organizations in the area, link up with the newly-formed Antifascists of the Seven Hills (ASH).

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Protesting Trump can't keep him out of office, but it's worth it for other reasons.

Somebody asked me what difference protesting Trump can make. It's not going to stop him from taking office, and it's not going to make his allies change their politics. Well, these marches, rallies, and yeah, even riots, are important for two reasons:

One, they keep the opposition in the news. We're already being asked to calm down and accept the loss gracefully and afford President-Elect Trump the 'respect due his station'– even by people who, last week, were vocal critics– and that's going to be a theme of the coming weeks. Eventually, that's going to make his awful ideals look uncontroversial and mainstream. They aren't, and we can't let them gain the veneer of civility which will embolden his cretinous supporters and terrify the people in the crosshairs.

Two, they get a bunch of people who are against Trump together in one place, where they can start linking up and planning for the work to come. There's going to be a lot of it, and it's going to take substantial people-power.

Let's get to work.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Anti-Trump Rally Tonight, Monroe Park

Tonight, 9pm, Monroe Park. Get together, make some new equally-angry friends, and get ready to roll up your sleeves.

"Building Resilience for Challenging Systemic Racism: a Trauma Healing Workshop for Activists and Allies" with the Richmond Peace Education Center

Friday. December 2nd to Sunday, December 4th 2016, at the First UU Church of Richmond (1000 Blanton Avenue, Richmond VA), the Richmond Peace Education Center is sponsoring a workshop titled "Building Resilience for Challenging Systemic Racism: a Trauma Healing Workshop for Activists and Allies." The workshop will be led by Renee Hill and Ram Bhagat. 

The cost is $75, but scholarships are available. 

Undocually Training with PLUMAS (Open to VCU Community Only)

Sunday, November 13th 2016, from 10am-2pm, in Room 2119 of VCU's Harris Hall (1015 Floyd Avenue, Richmond VA), PLUMAS (Political Latinxs United for Movement and Action in Society) is hosting a training for people affiliated with VCU on how to be allies to students who are undocumented immigrants.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided. The venue is wheelchair accessible via the entrances on Main Street and Floyd Avenue. Free, open to VCU staff, faculty, and students only. 

There are only 25 spots, so you must RSVP through this link. You can see the Facebook event page here.

Lecture with Dr. Caroline Emmons: "A Tremendous Job To Be Done: African American Women in the Virginia Civil Rights Movement."

Thursday, November 17th 2016, from 4-5pm, at VCU's Student Commons (907 Floyd Avenue, Richmond VA), Dr. Caroline Emmons of Hampton-Sydny College will give a lecture titled "A Tremendous Job To Be Done: African American Women in the Virginia Civil Rights Movement."

Free, open to the public. The venue is wheelchair accessible with accessible bathrooms. For more information, see this link

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Showing of "Meet Me in the Bottom: the Struggle to Reclaim Richmond's African Burial Ground": the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality

This Friday, November 11th, from 5-7pm, in room 1030J on the first floor of West Grace North Student Housing (830 West Grace Street, Richmond VA), the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality are holding a showing of the documentary “Meet Me in the Bottom: the Struggle to Reclaim Richmond’s African Burial Ground.” This award-winning film, directed by VCU’s own Dr. Shawn Utsey, tells the story of the 9-year community struggle to recover Richmond’s African Burial Ground, covered by a VCU parking lot until 2011. 

The film (40 minutes) will be introduced by Ana Edwards of the Defenders’ Sacred Ground Reclamation Project, who will fill us in on the ongoing fight to memorialize what was once the hub of the domestic slave trade. Though reclaiming the Burial Ground in 2011 was a great victory, the work to establish Shockoe Bottom as an international site of conscience isn’t over yet. Ana will talk about the ongoing work, and ways to get involved.

The event is free, and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. The venue is wheelchair accessible. For more info and to RSVP, see the Facebook event page here

Raise Up! Fight for $15 Community Dinner

Tomorrow, Wednesday November 9th 2016, from 6:30-8pm, at 904 North 1st Street, Richmond VA, Raise Up! The Fight for $15 is holding a community dinner. From the event description:
“Do you believe in raising the minimum wage and fighting for justice for our communities? We are making real change and getting more money for our families!”
Free, open to the public. Food and childcare provided. For more information and to RSVP, see the Facebook event page here

Monday, November 7, 2016

Voting in Virginia: what's a poll watcher, what if you don't have ID, how do you answer a challenge, and more

Tomorrow is election day. If you don't know your polling place yet, you can find out here. To find out what your ballot will look like, see this link. The polls will be open from 6am to 7pm, but if you are in line by 7pm, you can still vote.

Identification for Voting and Provisional Ballots

In Virginia, you need a form of photo ID in order to vote. You can see what forms of ID are accepted here. If it's on the list and less than one year expired, you're good to go.

If you don't have photo ID, you'll be given a provisional ballot, and written instructions for how to provide a copy of your ID to the voter registration office. Your ballot won't be counted until your identity is verified. The electoral board must receive this copy by Monday, November 14th, at 12pm.

Poll Watchers– aka, Candidate Representatives

Rules vary by state: this information applies to Virginia. An official poll watcher, also called a candidate representative, is somebody who has been officially appointed a representative of one of the candidates on the ballot. They must be a registered voter, and must have presented the chief election officer documentation signed by their candidate or the chair of the candidate's party. They're allowed to inspect the polling place, and to watch the proceedings. A person can't appoint themselves a poll watcher.

Poll watchers are allowed to:

- Watch the registration table and listen to what's going on there
- Make a written list of the voters who voted there
- Bring in a volunteer translator to listen to an election official translate a ballot
- Challenge a voter if they believe that voter is not able to legally vote

Poll watchers are not allowed to:

- Watch you vote
- Look at your completed ballot
- Advise you on how to vote, or campaign for their candidate within 40 feet of the polling location
- Assist you in any way, whether you ask or not, or wear any badge, button, sticker, etc which encourages voters to ask for their assistance
- Take pictures or record inside the polling place
- Sit at the registration table as though they are an election official
- "Delay or hinder" voters in any way
- Stop you from voting

If somebody is hassling you and claiming to be a poll watcher, alert the election officials at the polling place and call one of the hotlines below.

Challenging a Voter and Responding to a Challenge

In Virginia, any registered voter may challenge another voter's eligibility: basically, being challenged means that somebody is saying "I don't think this person is allowed to vote." If somebody suspects that you're not allowed to vote for some reason, they must fill out and sign a statement of challenge, indicating the reason for the challenge. The challenger doesn't have to provide any proof of their claim, but if they're making claims that are clearly false, it might be a crime.
Being challenged doesn't mean you can't vote. If somebody challenges your eligibility to vote and fills out the statement of challenge, the election authority will ask you to sign a written statement saying that you have the right to vote. By signing the form, you're swearing that you are an eligible voter. If you sign that form, you must be allowed to vote with a regular ballot (not a provisional ballot, unless that was required for some other reason). If you need help responding to a challenge, call the Virginia ACLU at their number below.

Historically, the right wing has used voter challenging to try to scare people, usually racial minorities, out of voting. If somebody's going around challenging every Black person that walks in, or everybody wearing a Clinton button, etc, that's voter intimidation and you should alert an election official and call one of the numbers below.

What do I do if I have a problem?

If you have some problem tomorrow, you have a couple of options.

Alert an election official.
Call the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE
Call the  Department of Justice Voting Rights Hotline at 800-253-3931
Contact the Virginia ACLU by calling 804-644-8080 or emailing

If you have to call one of the hotlines, do so while you're still at the polling place, if at all possible.

The ACLU of Virginia can help answer questions and advise you on what to do if you have your right to vote challenged, are told you can't vote due to political attire, if you can't physically get into the polling place, if you make a mistake on the ballot, or if you're not on the registration rolls. They can also answer questions about voter intimidation, ID requirements, and more.