Monday, November 21, 2016

Petition VCU's President Rao to Affirm Protection of the Immigrant Community

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an immigration policy implemented by the Obama administration in 2012, by executive order. DACA allows undocumented immigrants who arrived in the USA as children before 2007 to apply for renewable work permits, and have some protection from deportation. Trump has made ending DACA and deporting previously-protected undocumented immigrants a priority of his administration. 

In light of this, this petition is calling on President Rao to support VCU's undocumented community by opposing anti-immigrant policies like those proposed by Trump. Everybody with an affiliation with VCU is encouraged to sign: students, alumni, staff, faculty, and members of the Richmond community.

This op-ed by Miguel Molina, an undocumented childhood arrival and current student at Ivy Tech Community College in Indiana, was published today in the New York Times. It describes what an end to DACA would mean for the up to 1.7 million undocumented people who arrived here as children, often fleeing violence and poverty in their countries of origin. 

Please sign and pass it on. 

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