Monday, November 21, 2016

Showing Up for Racial Justice Richmond: White Anti-Racist Thanksgiving Conversations Practice

Tuesday, November 22nd 2016, from 8-10pm at the First UU Church of Richmond (1000 Blanton Avenue, Richmond VA), Showing Up for Racial Justice RVA (SuRJ RVA) is holding a training and practice session for white anti-racists to prepare for confronting racism and bigotry during holiday gatherings like Thanksgiving. From the event description: 

"Thanksgiving can provide a unique opportunity for white folks to engage in meaningful dialogue with friends and family around racial justice. SuRJ RVA wants to provide an opportunity for you to come practice your arguments, refine your comments, and prepare yourself for real conversations around racial justice." 

Free, open to the public. For more info and to RSVP, see this link

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