Didn't this used to be called Active-RVA?

Yes. From March 2012 to May 2018, the Richmond Left Bulletin was called Active-RVA. Because this was almost identical to the unrelated physical activity initiative Active RVA, run by Sportsbackers, I changed the name. I think the current name is more descriptive.

What is the purpose of the Richmond Left Bulletin?

To help people get involved in left political activity, with the hopes of helping movements for justice grow and gain power. We are in a very dangerous period of history; power is in the hands of a tiny group of hyper-rich people, and the clock is ticking on the global climate. Fighting back requires mass movements, and we're fighting for our lives.

We need more hands, voices, and minds in the struggle.

You listed my organization's event, and I don't want you to. 

Get in touch with me at activerva@gmail.com.

Who runs the Richmond Left Bulletin?

Hi, I'm Kat. I started the Bulletin as Active-RVA in March 2012, and have been running it mostly-solo ever since. I'm a white woman in my twenties.

I became politically active around 2011, when the Occupy Movement was happening. Since then, I've worked with a lot of different organizations on a lot of campaigns. My primary organization is the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality; among other things, we publish the quarterly Virginia Defender newspaper. I write the calendar section and occasional stories.

What are your politics?

I'm a Marxist. For the purposes of this bulletin, I share events with varying degrees of left-of-center politics, and events which are not explicitly political but which I think would be helpful to the community.

Sharing an event here does not imply my personal endorsement of that event or its organizers. The organizers of events that I share may or may not endorse this resource, or even be aware that I shared it. 

Is the Richmond Left Bulletin a nonprofit?

No. It isn't a legal entity of any kind.

I want to help. 

Great! The first thing to do is get in touch with me at activerva@gmail.com.

In terms of things I need help with, there are three big ones:

1. Promotion; getting eyes on the calendar. You can help with this by sharing the Bulletin with your friends, by posting fliers or distributing handbills at events (please ask me before you do this), or by including a link on your organizational website or newsletter. If you want to embed the Richmond Left Bulletin calendars on your site, I can provide you some code.

2. Keep me updated on your events. Are you active in an organization doing political work in the city? Get in touch and arrange to keep me up to date on your campaigns. I miss things fairly often just because of volume, or because I don't have enough lead-time.

3. Help me find other people's events. If you've got your ear to the ground in a specific community, or have the time to do a regular check of a couple of web or physical locations, you can help keep the calendar up to date.

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