Saturday, November 26, 2016

Free LGBTQ-Friendly Self Defense Class

Saturday, December 3rd 2016, from 2:30-4pm, at Revolution Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (2125 Staples Mill Road, Richmond VA), Revolution BJJ is holding a free, LGBTQ-friendly self-defense class. This class will be the first of three. From the event description: 

"Join us for a free workshop (the first in a series of 3) on self-defense. This class is open to anyone interested in learning self-defense, but we want to make it explicitly clear that we are aiming to create a welcoming environment for those in the LGBTQ community. We are aware that many LGBTQ adults and teens (especially trans people, including nonbinary & genderqueer folks) might not feel welcome in a normal training environment. Our goal is to counteract that and provide everyone with a safe space to train. We’ll cover: Standing self defense - defending yourself on your feet Ground self defense - what to do of you are taken down to the ground by an attacker."

Free, open to the public. Carpooling is available, and the location is accessible to the #6 bus line. For questions, contact Alley at 

Spaces are limited, and you must RSVP. For more information– including how to RSVP– see this link

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