Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mark Warner: Are you with us to fight Trump?

Tomorrow, December 1st 2016, from 9-10am, at the corner of North 10th Street and Bank Street in Richmond, there will be a demonstration to encourage Virginia's Democratic senator Mark Warner to oppose the agenda of the Trump presidency, beginning by publicly denouncing the appointment of Jeff Sessions, a man so racist the senate voted not to confirm him for a federal judgeship. I usually include only an excerpts of event descriptions, but in this case, I think you really have to read everything the organizers put together:

As our nation looks towards the next four years, we need to fight tooth and nail to oppose Trump's agenda. But are Democrats with us? For too long, Democrats like Mark Warner took young voters and people of color for granted, and sold out working class people in favor of Wall Street. Once again, they’re putting our lives and democracy on the line by considering compromises with Trump. They may be bought by Wall Street - but we won’t let them sell us out to an authoritarian.

Our Demands:
1. Democrats - like Mark Warner - must pledge to block Donald Trump's racist and fascist agenda.
2. Warner should publicly denounce Jeff Sessions’ appointment.
3. As long as Bannon is Chief Strategist, refuse to meet with Trump.

For a year and half, Donald Trump pushed a hateful vision of America. Now, Donald Trump is appointing a leadership team whose values align with Trump’s dark and dangerous promises. 

Democrats, you must pick a side: Trump or all of us. If you negotiate with a racist fascist and his klan, we will support primary challengers against you.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

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