Monday, December 5, 2016

Preparing for the Trump Era: an Anarchist Perspective

Next Wednesday, December 14th 2016, from 6-9pm, at 3110 West Leigh Street, Richmond VA, the Antifascists of the Seven Hills (ASH) are hosting contributors to the CrimethInc Ex-Workers Collective, a decentralized anarchist collective active globally since the 1990s, for an evening of presentations and discussion on the 2016 Presidential election. From the event description: 

"How did Trump come to power, and what does that tell us about the era we are entering? What strategies will be effective in countering repressive government policies and the rise of grassroots nationalism? Framing Trump's victory in a global context, the presenters will explore various approaches to self-organization and self-defense, drawing on the principles of mutual aid and direct action."

Dinner will be served to attendees. Street parking only. Donations are requested. 

This looks like a really fabulous opportunity; the best fix for feeling powerless is to figure out how you're going to link up and fight back. 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link. To add this event to your Google calendar, click here

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