Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Beginner self-defense workshop with River City Aikido instructor Brian Hill

Saturday, December 10th 2016, from 9am-12pm, at River City Aikido (3421 Hawthorne Avenue, Richmond VA), there will be a beginner's self-defense workshop specifically designed to address the post-election rise in right-wing antagonism. From the event description: 

"This workshop is designed to respond to the recent increase in verbal and physical assaults, to teach participants (respecting race, gender, LGBTQ, religious, or political beliefs) skills for de-escalating verbal and physical aggression, and for responding physically to the threat of assault through awareness, escape, and ultimately physical martial arts techniques.

"Designed for beginners, what makes this self-defense workshop unique is that the instructor is a therapist with 23 years of experience, who brings sensitivity, empathy, and compassion to a potentially fearful and challenging subject: personal safety. The skills will be based on aikido, a martial art focused on resolution and reconciliation rather than aggression and violence."

Minimum suggested donation is $20, and the organizers are encouraging attendees who can do so to sponsor another person. Each participant will receive a voucher for 4 free classes at River City Aikido, and 50% off registration should they choose to join and continue training. 

This is a little more expensive than what I usually share, but I thought it might be of use if any of you have been wanting to check out training of this kind (which I recommend generally). As I'm sure they'll tell you at this workshop, the ability to respond reliably in a crisis depends on practice- going once might help you know what to do in a bad situation so you're not at a loss, but especially for the physical elements, if you want it to stick one class isn't enough. I have no experience with this venue, so I can't say whether you'd want to do so there, but this seems like a good way to find out. 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link. You can contact the instructor, Brian Hill, at 804-387-2279 or bthill70@gmail.com. To add this event to your Google calendar, click here

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