Thursday, November 24, 2016

Carytown CVS employees inexplicably call police on two shoppers

You can read ABC 8's coverage here. Here's the summary: 

Two black men, roommates Ricky Berry and Philip Blackwell, walked into the Carytown CVS earlier this week to buy groceries. The employees freaked out, disappeared into the back, and called the police. An officer arrived and, once he actually found the employees and learned that they wanted him to expel two guys trying to buy cheese, told the roommates that they'd have to leave or be charged with trespassing.

CVS told ABC 8 that the employees, who were evidently so threatened by customers buying groceries that they hid in a locked room for 45 minutes while the objects of their terror wandered around looking for a cashier to check them out, will be interviewed about the incident and possibly re-trained.

I genuinely don't know what commentary to add, because this is baffling.

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