Friday, November 25, 2016

No DAPL! Black Friday Campaign for Standing Rock

Today, Friday November 25th 2016, from 12-5pm, at Gallery 5 (200 West Marshall Street, Richmond VA), the Richmond Independent Zine Library is holding a letter writing/call in event to pressure public officials to support the Standing Rock water protectors in their fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline. These brave protesters, lead by the Sioux Nation whose land has been stolen to undertake this environmentally disastrous project, have been out in the field for months, and are facing intense violence from local law enforcement and private security. From the event description: 

"Join us in the Richmond Independent Zine Library at Gallery 5 for a letter writing campaign to our representatives and a phone bank to jam the lines and ask that the various agencies who've sent people to attack the Water Protectors bring their people home. This thanksgiving the only thanks should be given to the Water Protectors who are putting their lives and health on the line to stand for what is right. While we may not be able to put our bodies at the Standing Rock Camp or even our money, we can still take action! 

We will have supplies and snacks, but if you have some to share, do contribute! If you're planning to make calls, you will need your own cell phone. Laptops are not required, but if you prefer typing, please feel free to bring your laptop."

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

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