Monday, November 14, 2016

Raise Up Fight for $15 Community Meeting on the November 29th Strike

Tomorrow, Tuesday November 15th 2016, from 6:30-8pm, at 904 North 1st Street, Richmond VA, Raise Up, the Fight for $15, is holding a community meeting on events planned for the November 29th low-wage worker strike. This date is the four year anniversary of the first major citywide strike of fast food workers in New York City. From the event description: 

Despite setbacks across the nation, this election showed that raising wages is a winning issue with voters. 4 states - Arizona, Colorado, Maine and Washington - overwhelmingly approved ballot measures to raise the minimum wages. Low wage workers in VA are asking all progressive allies to join us in the streets on November 29th and in the months and years ahead to push elected officials to fight for working families, for immigrant justice, for Black Lives.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

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