Thursday, November 10, 2016

Protesting Trump can't keep him out of office, but it's worth it for other reasons.

Somebody asked me what difference protesting Trump can make. It's not going to stop him from taking office, and it's not going to make his allies change their politics. Well, these marches, rallies, and yeah, even riots, are important for two reasons:

One, they keep the opposition in the news. We're already being asked to calm down and accept the loss gracefully and afford President-Elect Trump the 'respect due his station'– even by people who, last week, were vocal critics– and that's going to be a theme of the coming weeks. Eventually, that's going to make his awful ideals look uncontroversial and mainstream. They aren't, and we can't let them gain the veneer of civility which will embolden his cretinous supporters and terrify the people in the crosshairs.

Two, they get a bunch of people who are against Trump together in one place, where they can start linking up and planning for the work to come. There's going to be a lot of it, and it's going to take substantial people-power.

Let's get to work.

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