Friday, November 11, 2016

What fascists operate in Richmond?

Below is my answer to a question submitted to the Active-RVA Tumblr. If you have a question you want to ask, the best way to reach me is at Here it is:

To my knowledge, there aren’t currently any openly fascist organizations operating in Richmond. However: 

The Traditionalist Worker’s Party, whose ideology is essentially fascist (they want an authoritarian white-only America where opposition to non-white immigrants unites whites across class lines), is trying to establish a chapter at VCU. To my knowledge, they’ve got like 2-3 students involved, but their activities are currently limited to fliering and posting in VCU-related Facebook groups. Their primary organizer is a philosophy student named Derrick Davis. 

The Virginia Flaggers are neo-Confederates whose primary goal is to put Confederate imagery on things. They mostly protest in front of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts a couple of times a week, organized armed patrols to protect Monument Avenue’s Confederate monuments from vandalism, and every year or so they raise a bunch of money to erect a huge Confederate flag somewhere visible to the highway. Their ideology is weird to pin down, because they very much buy into the “Heritage Not Hate” slogan, and even have a single black member they hold up against charges of racism. However, they’ve also got members who used to be with the Klan, a relationship with the League of the South (advocates modern Southern succession to establish a whites-only state), and are friendly with Matthew Heimbach (founder of the Traditionalist Worker’s Party, described above). 

Around the state, we’ve got chapters of the Ku Klux Klan and the Wolves of Vinland, a white nationalist group structured like a motorcycle club which is mostly a prison gang. They own property in Lynchburg. 

If you want to fight fascist and white nationalist organizations in the area, link up with the newly-formed Antifascists of the Seven Hills (ASH).

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