Sunday, November 20, 2016

Direct Action and Organizing Workshop 2 with ASH (Antifascists of the Seven Hills)

Tomorrow, Monday November 21st 2016, from 4-7pm, at the Richmond's Main Branch Library (101 East Franklin Street, Richmond VA), ASH, Antifascists of the Seven Hills, is holding another direct action and organizing training for people interested in resisting the new Trump administration and its policies. This event will be a repeat of the November 20th training, which saw high interest, not a part two. From the event description: 

"The workshop will focus on how to be safe, strategic and powerful while marching in the streets. It will also cover the basics of organizing to provide you with skills for building power with those around you to oppose the fascist agenda of Donald Trump."

The organizers are asking for a $5-10 donation, to go to the legal fund of 12 protesters arrested in Richmond on November 9th, but nobody will be turned away for lack of funds. Open to the public. 

For more information and to RSVP, see this link

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