Friday, March 31, 2017

Film Showing with Richmond Struggle: November (2004)

This Saturday, April 1st 2017, from 2-4pm, in room 404 of VCU's Cabell Library (901 Park Avenue, Richmond VA), Richmond Struggle is holding a showing of the film November, by artist Hito Steyerl, about the life and death of Andrea "Ronahi" Wolf. Wolf was active in anti-imperialist politics in West Germany throughout the 80s; facing charges for her activities, she joined the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) in 1996. She was executed by the Turkish army in October 1998.

The 25 minute long film will be followed by a discussion. Refreshments provided.

Free, open to the public. The venue is wheelchair accessible with accessible bathrooms; unisex single-stall bathrooms are available in the basement. 

For more information and to RSVP, see this link

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Fight for 15 and the Movement for Black Lives: April 4th Day of Action

Tuesday, April 4th 2017, Raise Up: the Fight for 15 and the Movement for Black Lives are holding a joint national day of protest to demonstrate for racial and economic justice. This day will mark the 49th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. by James Earl Ray. 

In Richmond, VA Raise Up will be holding a Speak Out and March for MLK's Legacy. The event will run from 5-7pm, at Great Ship Lock Park (located at the intersection of Shockoe Bottom's Dock Street and Pear Street). The event will feature speeches from low wage workers fighting for a $15/hr minimum wage and a union, state legislators, free food, and more. Family friendly. 

For more info and to RSVP to the Richmond event, see this link

Similar events will be held nationwide. To learn about a protest planned near you, see this link and fill out the contact form

Drag Bingo Fundraiser for Diversity Richmond

This Friday, March 31st 2017, from 7-11pm, at Diversity Richmond (1407 Sherwood Avenue, Richmond VA), Diversity Richmond, Richmond's LGBTQ community center, is holding a Drag Bingo and Afterparty fundraising event. Performers will include: hostess Zakia Jemaceye, Tarena McCray (Mz. Nationz 2016), Michelle D. Livigne, Aaliyah Michaels Ova, and DJ Statistics. 

The bingo cost varies; see the event page. Food catered by Nacho Mama's will be available to purchase. 

Entry for non-players is $5. Bring cash for bingo and performer tips. 

18+ only. Non-smoking. Alcohol will be served after 9pm. The venue is wheelchair accessible, and there is free lot parking. 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Book Talk with Bryan Stevenson, Author of "Just Mercy: a Story of Justice and Redemption"

Wednesday, April 12th 2017, at 6pm, at VCU's Siegel Center (1200 West Broad Street, Richmond VA), author and attorney Bryan Stevenson will speak on his memoir, "Just Mercy: a Story of Justice and Redemption," about the Equal Justice Initiative. Stevenson founded the Equal Justice Initiative, a legal practice dedicating to defending the poor, wrongly condemned, women, and children. 

The event is free and open to the public, with no registration required. 

Reading and Signing with Tressie McMillan Cottom: "Lower Ed: The Troubling Rise of For-Profit Colleges in the New Economy"

Friday, April 14th 2017, from 7-8pm, at Chop Suey Books (2913 West Cary Street, Richmond VA), there will be a book talk and signing with Tressie McMillan Cottom, author of "Lower Ed: the Troubling Rise of For-Profit Colleges in the New Economy." From the event description: 

"More than two million students are enrolled in for-profit colleges, from the small family-run operations to the behemoths brandished on billboards, subway ads, and late-night commercials. These schools have been around just as long as their bucolic not-for-profit counterparts, yet shockingly little is known about why they have expanded so rapidly in recent years--during the so-called Wall Street era of for-profit colleges. In Lower Ed Tressie McMillan Cottom--a bold and rising public scholar, herself once a recruiter at two for-profit colleges--expertly parses the fraught dynamics of this big-money industry to show precisely how it is part and parcel of the growing inequality plaguing the country today."

Free, open to the public. Parking is available on the street and in various public free parking garages, the nearest being located at 18 South Colonial Avenue. For more information and to RSVP, see this link

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Civil Disobedience Training with the Virginia Civil Engagement Table

Wednesday, April 12th 2017, from 8:30am-4pm, at the University of Richmond Downtown (626 East Broad Street, Richmond VA), the Virginia Civic Engagement Table, a statewide progressive nonprofit, is holding an all-day civil disobedience training. 

Breakfast and lunch are included. The event appears to be free, though you must register. 

Important note: I have not had personal involvement with this group, and my verification efforts have only extended as far as determining that they are a known progressive organization. I don't know details about their organizational practices or how they are screening participants for this event. As always, you should be careful about what you disclose, especially if it relates to breaking the law. 

For more information and to RSVP, see this link

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Anti-Racist Parenting Meeting with SURJ Richmond

Sunday, March 26th 2017, from 2-4pm, at the First UU Church of Richmond (1000 Blanton Avenue, Richmond VA), SURJ Richmond is holding a monthly committee meeting on fighting racism from the position of parents and caregivers. 

Open to the public. Childcare is available upon request. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Community-Informed Study, Memorialization, and Reburial: the Remains in the the East Marshall Street Well

Tuesday, March 28th 2017, from 5:30-7:30pm, at the Hermes A. Kontos Medical Sciences Auditorium (1250 East Marshall Street, #8, Richmond VA), VCU is hosting a panel titled "Tapping the Well: Community-Informed Study, Memorialization & Reburial," with members of the East Marshall Street Well Project Family Representatives Council. 

The panel concerns what is to be done with the human remains that were discovered discarded in a well beneath the VCU Medical Campus in 1994, during construction of the Kontos building. Analysis has since revealed that the remains belonged to at least 53 people, most of them of African descent, and were discarded in the early half of the 1800s. It is now understood that the remains were cadavers stolen from Black cemeteries to provide anatomical specimens for medical students. 

Free, open to the public. For more info and to RSVP, see the link. 

Showing Up for Racial Justice RVA: March General Meeting

Tuesday, March 28th 2017, from 7-9pm, at the First UU Church of Richmond (1000 Blanton Avenue, Richmond VA), Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) RVA is holding their March meeting. From 7-8pm, there will be an introduction on what SURJ is and what they do, followed by the meeting from 8-9pm. At the meeting, the SURJ-RVA Policy Team will provide a legislative recap of the 2017 General Assembly session, and talk about how to navigate the news to stay informed. 

The venue is wheelchair accessible. See the event page for details on getting childcare. Free and open to the public. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Community Organizing Power: Fighting for Expanded Sanctuary with ICE Out of RVA

Wednesday, March 22nd 2017, from 7:30-9pm, at the VCU Globe building (830 West Grace Street, Richmond VA), ICE Out of RVA is hosting a talk with Jacinta Gonzales, field director for Mijente. From the event description:

"The current President came into office inheriting a system where 1 in 3 people will be arrested by the age of 23, where nearly 1 in 100 people are currently in jail or prison, and where a Black person is killed by law enforcement or a vigilante every 28 hours on average. The legacy of the failed war on drugs, stop and frisk, and decades of over-policing receives added urgency with the continued practice of utilizing such contact with law enforcement as pretext for additional immigration proceedings and deportation when the person in question may be undocumented or a non-citizen.

"In order to effectively respond to these threats, Cities must both provide undocumented and other non-citizen residents effective protections and safeguards from immigration enforcement, while also reducing the over-policing and criminalization of immigrant communities, Black people, and other people of color, that leads to mass incarceration and deportation."

Free, open to the public. The venue is wheelchair accessible. Parking available on the street and at the West Broad Street parking deck at 1111 West Broad Street.

For more information and to RSVP, see this link.

"Popular Politics, Populism and Donald Trump: Who are 'We the People'?": a Town Hall

Wednesday, March 22nd 2017, from 7-9pm, at the Grace Street Theater (934 West Grace Street, Richmond VA), VCU's Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs will hold a town hall titled "Popular Politics, Populism and Donald Trump: Who are 'We the People'?," a discussion on the political climate, changing electorate, and strategies of civic engagement.

Free, open to the public.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Community Altar Building for Trans Women of Color

Wednesday, March 22nd 2017, from 6-8pm, at Richmond's African Burial Ground (1540 East Broad Street, Richmond VA), members of the local LGBTQ community are holding a community altar-building workshop. From the event description:

"Following the deaths of many women of color, and in particualr Black trans women, we want to have a public community alter building space and celebration of the lives of these women but also the resistance and beauty the black trans folks who are still here. Please come, bring art, candles, flowers poems, songs, and anything else you'd like to leave in this space."

Mesha Caldwell, 41 (Canton, Mississippi)
Jamie Lee Wounded Arrow, 28 (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
Jojo Striker, 23 (Toledo, Ohio)
Tiara Lashaytheboss Richmond, 24 (Chicago, Illinois)
Jaquarrius Holland, 18 (Monroe, Louisiana)
Chyna Doll Dupree, 31 (New Orleans, Louisiana)
Ciara McElveen, 21 (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Free, open to the public. For more information and to RSVP, see this link

Consent Workshop at VALET

Sunday, March 26th 2017, from 7-9:30pm, at the art gallery VALET (509 East Franklin Street, Richmond VA), there will be a workshop about consent. The venue has a safer spaces policy.

Free, open to the public and those who did not attend Part I of the workshop.
For more info and to RSVP, see this link.

Gen Action at VCU Presents: an Abortion Speak-Out to benefit the RRFP

Thursday, March 23rd, from 7-8pm, at the Firehouse Theatre (1609 West Broad Street, Richmond VA), Planned Parenthood Generation Action at VCU is holding their first annual abortion speak-out, to fight the stigma against abortion and raise money for the Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project (RRFP). 

Open to the public, $5 suggested donation at the door which will go to the RRFP. The RRFP is the private, all-volunteer abortion fund serving Virginia; they help people in financial need afford abortion care and associated costs. 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Support the Shockoe Bottom Memorial Park at City Council

Please note that this event was re-scheduled from March 13th. 

Monday, March 27th 2017, from 6-7pm, at City Hall (900 East Broad Street, Richmond VA), the Sacred Ground Project of the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality will be presenting a statement on the Community Proposal for a Nine-Acre Shockoe Bottom Memorial Park to city council. Immediately after the public comment period, there will be a community meeting, to discuss the next steps for moving the plan forward. 

Shockoe Bottom was once the hub of the domestic slave trade, but this history has gone largely unaddressed here in the former capitol of the Confederacy. Coming out of the successful 2011 struggle to reclaim the African Burial Ground from beneath a VCU parking lot, the community effort to preserve Shockoe Bottom's Black history has produced a plan for a memorial park. To hear about it, attend the council meeting, or check out the link below. 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link. If you're not able to attend yourself, please invite your friends. 

"Invasive: a Queer Quilting Bee" Workshop and Fundraiser for Side by Side

Sunday, March 19th 2017, from 12-4pm, at Studio Two Three (3300 West Clay Street, Richmond VA), a Baltimore-based community art project, Invasive Queer Kudzu, will be holding a quilting workshop. The workshop will teach quilting skills, and participants will produce a piece to be part of a larger installation dedicated focused on the diverse lives of the Southern LGBTQ community.

Donations requested, with a portion of proceeds going to Richmond's youth LGBTQ organization, Side by Side.

For more information and to RSVP, see this link

Friday, March 17, 2017

"Killing the Black Snake: Behind the Scenes of the #NoDAPL struggle”— "Trouble" Documentary Premiere and Discussion

Sunday, March 26th 2017, from 8-10pm, at the Comm Room (3110 West Leigh Street, Richmond VA), there will be a screening of the premiere episode of's new series, "Trouble," followed by a discussion. From the event description:

"Submedia, an anarchist media project, intends Trouble to be a platform to " watched in groups, and which we hope will foster productive discussions among comrades, or prospective comrades, in the years to come." So, to that end, we would like to have a public screening and discussion with friends, new and old, after we watch the first episode entitled, "Killing the Black Snake: Behind the Scenes of the
#NoDAPL struggle”. We hope to do this for every episode as it comes out, so stay tuned!"

Free, open to the public, and all ages. Coffee and beverages will be provided; bring snacks. The venue has a single-stall unisex bathroom, street parking only.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Christine Darden, NASA "human computer," to speak at VCU

Friday, April 7th 2017, at 4:15pm, in Room 1107 of VCU's Academic Learning Commons (1000 Floyd Avenue, Richmond VA), Christine Darden, one of the aeronautical engineers who inspired Margot Lee Shetterly's book "Hidden Figures: the Story of the African-American Women Who Helped Win the Space Race," will speak at VCU. 

Free, open to the public. The venue is wheelchair accessible with accessible bathrooms. 

Environmental Defense Fund Benefit Show at Strange Matter

Friday, March 31st 2017, from 8pm-2am, at Strange Matter (929 West Grace Street, Richmond VA), there will be a benefit show for the Environmental Defense Fund. The evening will feature the following acts: Prisoner, Anti-Christ Siege Machine, Coteries, With Sympathy, and R-Complex. 

$5 or more at the door. Doors open at 8pm, music starts at 9. The venue is wheelchair accessible with accessible, multi-stall, non-sex-segregated bathrooms. 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link. To add this event to your Google Calendar, click here

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Intro to Anarchism with the Black Rose Anarchist Federation

Saturday, April 1st 2017, from 6-8pm, at the Community Room (3110 West Leigh Street, Richmond VA), Black Rose / Rosa Negra - RVA, our local iteration of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation, is holding an introductory discussion on the political ideology of anarchism.

Free, open to the public, and kid-friendly.

The venue has a single-stall unisex bathroom. Street parking only.
For more info and to RSVP, see this link.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Community Plant Exchange

Friday, March 17th 2017, from 2-6pm, at KNOWN (2223 Park Avenue, Richmond VA), there will be a public event for exchanging seedlings, rooted clippings, cuttings, or full plants.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link.

All-Day Strange Matter Benefit for the Standing Rock Protesters

Saturday, March 25th 2017, from 2pm-2am, Strange Matter (929 West Grace Street, Richmond VA) is hosting an all-day event to benefit the legal defense fund for the Standing Rock pipeline protesters. The day will begin with a market (2-6pm), followed by an all-ages-welcome benefit show (6-11pm), and concluding with a 18+-only dance party (11pm-2am).

The market is free to the public, with all vendor fees going to Standing Rock. The benefit show has a $5-20 suggested donation at the door, and the dance party suggests a $5+ donation.

For a full list of acts, vendors, and other participants, see the link. The venue is wheelchair accessible with accessible, multi-stall, unisex bathrooms. Street parking only.
For more info and to RSVP, see this link.

Immigration in Uncertain Times: Screening of "American Dream"

Today, Wednesday March 15th 2017, from 6-9pm, at the University of Richmond's Robins School of Business (1 Gateway Road, Richmond VA), the University of Richmond is holding a screening of the 2016 documentary "American Dream," followed by a panel on immigration. 

Free and open to the public, but registration is required. 

For more information and instructions on how to register, see the link

GRTC Public Meetings on the Transit Network Plan

The Greater Richmond Transit Company (GRTC) is holding a series of public meetings on the location of bus stops under the new Transit Network Plan. The plan, which you can read here, re-works Richmond's bus routes in preparation for implementation of the Pulse Bus Rapid Transit system. The meetings are district specific, and as follows: 

1st and 2nd District: March 22nd, 5:30-7pm, United Methodist Family Services Meeting Room (3700 West Broad Street, Richmond VA)

3rd District: March 23rd, 6-8pm, Pine Camp Cultural Arts and Community Center (4901 Old Brook Road, Richmond VA)

4th District: March 20th, 6-8pm, Huguenot High Community Center (7945 Forest Hill Avenue, Richmond VA)

5th District: March 15th, 6-8pm, Byrd Park Round House. March 16th, 6-8pm, at Ephesus SDA Church (3700 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond VA).

6th District: March 18th, 12-2pm, Bellemeade Community Center (1800 Lynhaven Avenue, Richmond VA). March 28th, 6-8pm, Hotchkiss Community Center (701 East Brookland Park Boulevard, Richmond VA)

7th District: March 21st, 6-7:30pm, Creighton Court Recreation Center (2101 Creighton Road, Richmond VA). March 29th, 6-7:30pm, Fairfield Court Recreation Center (2506 Phaup Street, Richmond VA). March 30th, 6-8pm, Powhatan Community Center (5051 Northampton Street, Richmond VA)

Job Fair and Job Fair Workshop, hosted by Diversity Richmond

Saturday, March 25th 2017, from 9am-2pm, at Diversity Richmond (1407 Sherwood Avenue, Richmond VA), the Richmond Business Alliance will be holding a workshop titled "How to Make the Job Fair Experience Rewarding and Successful," (9-10am), followed by a job fair (10:15am-2pm).

This would be a nice follow-up for those of you attending the
Job Searching While LGBT workshop today.

The venue is wheelchair accessible, with single-stall unisex bathrooms and free lot parking. 
For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Job Searching While LGBT: Free Workshop

Tomorrow, March 15th 2017, from 6:30-8:30pm, at Diversity Richmond (1407 Sherwood Avenue, Richmond VA), the Richmond Business Alliance is holding a know-your-rights style discussion of best practices for LGBT job seekers, with a focus on transgender applicants.

If you have questions about navigating employment so that you can survive under capitalism, especially in regards to what you have to disclose about yourself, this workshop might be able to help you out.

Free, open to the public. The venue is wheelchair accessible, with single-stall unisex bathrooms, and free lot parking.
For more info and to RSVP, see this link

After attending this event, you may also be interested in this workshop and job fair, also hosted at Diversity Richmond, on Saturday March 25th. 

Protest Trump's Racist AG Jeff Sessions

Tomorrow, March 15th 2017, at 9:30am, on the sidewalk outside of the Suntrust Building (919 East Main Street, Richmond VA), the VACOLAO - Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations and a large group of partners and grassroots activists will be holding a demonstration against Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions. From the media release:

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions is unfit for his position and unwelcome in Richmond. With his history of voter suppression, opposing civil rights legislation, and denigrating entire demographics of our national population, it is clear that he cannot be trusted to uphold our laws or human rights. We do not believe that AG Sessions has the desire, capacity, or will to act in the best interest of Americans."

The involved organizations include: the
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, Virginia Organizing, United Faith Leaders, Together We Will Virginia, Showing Up for Racial Justice SURJ Richmond, Southerners On New Ground, the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter, New Virginia Majority, LWCC - Liberal Women of Chesterfield County, Justice RVA, Indivisible Richmond, ICE Out of RVA, Equality Virginia, and the ACLU of Virginia.

For more information and to RSVP, see this link. Street parking will be limited. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Standing Together RVA Gathering at the Emek Sholom Holocaust Memorial Cemetery

Sunday, March 19th 2017, from 5-6:30pm, at the Emek Sholom Holocaust Memorial Cemetery (located within the Forest Lawn Cemetery, 4000 Pilots Lane, Richmond VA), the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities is holding a "Standing Together Gathering" to respond to the recent national rise in anti-Semitic threats and vandalism. From the event description: 

"The event will include speakers, testimonies, and calls to action. Note that this is not a political or partisan event, but will focus on our common values and commitment to standing together." Sponsors of this event include the Jewish Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond, Temple Beth-El, and the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities.

Free, open to the public. The organizers strongly encourage carpooling; parking may be limited. For more information and to RSVP, see this link

National Rally to Support Palestine: Protest AIPAC's Convention in Washington DC

Sunday, March 26th 2017, from 12-5pm, at various locations in Washington DC, Al-Awda: the Palestinan Right to Return Coalition and the ANSWER Coalition are co-sponsoring a National Rally to Support Palestine in DC. The rally will begin at the White House, and end in front of the convention center, where the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is holding their conference. 

AIPAC is the largest and most powerful organization lobbying for American support of Israel's ongoing illegal military occupation of Palestine. 

For more information and to RSVP, see this link. 

Air Pollution Control Board Meeting: Advocate for a Virginia Policy on Carbon Pollution

Thursday, March 16th 2017, from 10am-12pm, at 201 North 9th Street, Richmond VA, the state's Air Pollution Control Board is holding a public meeting. The Sierra Club and supporters will be there to support a citizen's petition to create a state limit on carbon pollution from power plants. 

Carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas, meaning it drives climate change — when more of it is released into the atmosphere from activities like burning coal, the greenhouse affect worsens, which causes the ambient temperature of the planet to rise. This is a proven phenomena, and has been a matter of scientific consensus for decades. Trump's  newly-appointed head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, recently publicly announced that he does not believe that carbon pollution has a significant role in global warming. 

Because the head of the federal regulatory agency in charge of mitigating pollution is actually staunchly opposed to environmental protections, it's looking like federal regulations against pollution may not survive for much longer. If we want to at least slow down climate change, to say nothing of stopping or reversing it, we need to impose limits on carbon at the state level. Showing up on Thursday will show the Board that the public demands action to protect our environment and communities. 

To learn more and RSVP, see this link

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Government Crackdown on Anti-Fascist Activists in Odessa, Ukraine: Americans, Write the Ambassador

Anti-fascists and progressives in Odessa, Ukraine are in serious danger: Alexander Kushnarev, the father of one of the 46 progressives murdered by neo-Nazis in the May 2nd 2014 massacre at Kulikovo Square, has been arrested on trumped-up charges by the right-wing federal Ukranian government. Activists fear that his arrest is the first of many more to come; everybody trying to get justice for the slain is now in great danger.

I know this doesn’t seem particularly relevant to us here in Richmond, but as people who oppose Naziism, we have to support those struggling against fascism everywhere in the world. What’s more, our own government helped to create this situation by backing the 2014 coup which put the hard right (including paramilitary neo-Nazi organizations) in power. We owe them our support.

Please familiarize yourself with this action alert from the Odessa Solidarity Campaign, and follow the enclosed instructions to contact the Ukranian ambassador to the US, Valeriy Chaly. The best chance we have to help our friends and allies in Odessa from here is to show that the world is paying attention.

Fundraiser for the RRFP at Harrison Street Cafe

All day today (8am-5pm), proceeds from the special at Harrison Street Cafe (402 North Harrison Street, Richmond VA) will be donated to the Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project (RRFP). 

The RRFP is a private, all-volunteer abortion fund serving all of Virginia; they help people in financial need afford abortions, and pay associated costs like travel, medication, and childcare. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

A Day for Us: Women & Minority Makers Market + Awareness Event

This Sunday, March 12th 2017, from 1-4pm, at the Lakeside Farmer's Market (6110 Lakeside Avenue, Henrico VA), there will be a market featuring small, women- and minority-owned businesses.

Orgs and vendors will include:
Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project, VA Pride, Studio Two Three, Garnet Jewelry, Mama A's Bath & Body Products, Dayum This is My Jam, Espresso A Go Go Catering, Maven Made, Holly Sullivan - Prints and Illustration, my National Abortion Access fundraising team the Caring Cryptid Corps, One Drop Yoga and more.

My fundraising team, the CCC, is raising money for the Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project, to help people in need get abortion care. We'll be selling bath bombs, glitter bottles, baked goods, and more- all proceeds to the RRFP!

Free, open to the public. Free lot parking.
For more info and to RSVP, see this link.

Climate of Change: Anarchism and the Environment

This Saturday, March 11th 2017, from 3-5pm, at Gallery5 (200 West Marshall Street, Richmond VA), the Black Rose / Rosa Negra - RVA is holding an event to discuss the environment: what the facts are, how it got that way, and how to fight back.. From the event description:

"We will discuss the scientific facts surrounding climate change and other ecological damage, while also considering how capitalism and the State(s) play a central role in the current situation. We also would like to consider direct means of confronting those actors, and how that can happen in our local context."

Free, open to the public, and child-friendly. For more information and to RSVP, see the link. 

Screening of "Equal Means Equal," on Women's Rights in the US

Thursday, March 9th 2017, from 5:30-8pm, at the Main Branch Library (101 East Franklin Street, Richmond VA), there will be a free screening of the documentary "Equal Means Equal," on the state of women's rights in the United States.

Free, open to the public. 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link. 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Benefit for ReEstablish Richmond at Hardywood Brewery

Sunday, March 19th 2017, from 3-6pm, at Hardywood Brewery (2408-2410 Ownby Lane, Richmond VA), there will be a market with a variety of vendors, and 15% of the proceeds will go to ReEstablish Richmond, a nonprofit that assists refugees resettling in the Richmond area. 

For more information and to RSVP, see this link

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Prom Bring It and Diversity Richmond Expo 2017

Sunday, March 12th 2017, from 12-5pm, in the event hall at Diversity Richmond (1407 Sherwood Avenue, Richmond VA), Diversity Richmond and Prom Bring It are partnering to outfit high school students from Richmond City who could not otherwise afford prom attire. They are collecting gently used dresses, gowns, men’s suits in all current styles and sizes, shoes, hand bags and jewelry, and will have all of these items on offer at their expo, where teens can pick out and try on prom items to take home. 

Free to prom-bound youth. For more info on how to attend, see the link. 

If you would like to donate or collaborate please contact: Jenny High at or 804-683-2226; Tiffany Haynes at or 804-972-6824; or Roland Winston,

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Spring Seed Starting Workshop and Swap with the Richmond Herbalism Guild

Friday, March 10th 2017, from 3-5pm, at Saadia's Juicebox (402 North 2nd Street, Richmond VA), the Richmond Herbalism Guild is holding a workshop on starting seeds in the spring, led by Allie Hawley. There will also be a seed swap. 

This event is donation-based, and open to only 25 participants. To attend, you must RSVP via an email to Priority given to Jackson Ward residents. 

For more info, see this link. 

Counter Protest: Corey Stewart's Anti-Immigrant Rally

This Saturday, March 4th 2017, at 1pm, at the Bell Tower at the Virginia Capitol (101 North 9th Street, Richmond VA), gubernatorial candidate Corey Stewart will be holding a rally against sanctuary cities, cities which have taken steps to shield their immigrant populations from the brutality of ICE raids. There will be a counter-demonstration. 

Corey Stewart, who is running for Virginia governor, was the chair of Donald Trump's Virginia campaign, until he was fired for staging a protest against the Republican National Convention, alleging that the "establishment pukes" were insufficiently pro-Trump. Stewart has made a name for himself promoting persecution of immigrants in Prince William County, where he is the chairman of the Board of Supervisors. He frequently boasts that he "was Trump before Trump."

For more info and to RSVP, see this link