Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Government Crackdown on Anti-Fascist Activists in Odessa, Ukraine: Americans, Write the Ambassador

Anti-fascists and progressives in Odessa, Ukraine are in serious danger: Alexander Kushnarev, the father of one of the 46 progressives murdered by neo-Nazis in the May 2nd 2014 massacre at Kulikovo Square, has been arrested on trumped-up charges by the right-wing federal Ukranian government. Activists fear that his arrest is the first of many more to come; everybody trying to get justice for the slain is now in great danger.

I know this doesn’t seem particularly relevant to us here in Richmond, but as people who oppose Naziism, we have to support those struggling against fascism everywhere in the world. What’s more, our own government helped to create this situation by backing the 2014 coup which put the hard right (including paramilitary neo-Nazi organizations) in power. We owe them our support.

Please familiarize yourself with this action alert from the Odessa Solidarity Campaign, and follow the enclosed instructions to contact the Ukranian ambassador to the US, Valeriy Chaly. The best chance we have to help our friends and allies in Odessa from here is to show that the world is paying attention.

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