Friday, March 10, 2017

Air Pollution Control Board Meeting: Advocate for a Virginia Policy on Carbon Pollution

Thursday, March 16th 2017, from 10am-12pm, at 201 North 9th Street, Richmond VA, the state's Air Pollution Control Board is holding a public meeting. The Sierra Club and supporters will be there to support a citizen's petition to create a state limit on carbon pollution from power plants. 

Carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas, meaning it drives climate change — when more of it is released into the atmosphere from activities like burning coal, the greenhouse affect worsens, which causes the ambient temperature of the planet to rise. This is a proven phenomena, and has been a matter of scientific consensus for decades. Trump's  newly-appointed head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, recently publicly announced that he does not believe that carbon pollution has a significant role in global warming. 

Because the head of the federal regulatory agency in charge of mitigating pollution is actually staunchly opposed to environmental protections, it's looking like federal regulations against pollution may not survive for much longer. If we want to at least slow down climate change, to say nothing of stopping or reversing it, we need to impose limits on carbon at the state level. Showing up on Thursday will show the Board that the public demands action to protect our environment and communities. 

To learn more and RSVP, see this link

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