Monday, March 20, 2017

Community Organizing Power: Fighting for Expanded Sanctuary with ICE Out of RVA

Wednesday, March 22nd 2017, from 7:30-9pm, at the VCU Globe building (830 West Grace Street, Richmond VA), ICE Out of RVA is hosting a talk with Jacinta Gonzales, field director for Mijente. From the event description:

"The current President came into office inheriting a system where 1 in 3 people will be arrested by the age of 23, where nearly 1 in 100 people are currently in jail or prison, and where a Black person is killed by law enforcement or a vigilante every 28 hours on average. The legacy of the failed war on drugs, stop and frisk, and decades of over-policing receives added urgency with the continued practice of utilizing such contact with law enforcement as pretext for additional immigration proceedings and deportation when the person in question may be undocumented or a non-citizen.

"In order to effectively respond to these threats, Cities must both provide undocumented and other non-citizen residents effective protections and safeguards from immigration enforcement, while also reducing the over-policing and criminalization of immigrant communities, Black people, and other people of color, that leads to mass incarceration and deportation."

Free, open to the public. The venue is wheelchair accessible. Parking available on the street and at the West Broad Street parking deck at 1111 West Broad Street.

For more information and to RSVP, see this link.

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