Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Counter Protest: Corey Stewart's Anti-Immigrant Rally

This Saturday, March 4th 2017, at 1pm, at the Bell Tower at the Virginia Capitol (101 North 9th Street, Richmond VA), gubernatorial candidate Corey Stewart will be holding a rally against sanctuary cities, cities which have taken steps to shield their immigrant populations from the brutality of ICE raids. There will be a counter-demonstration. 

Corey Stewart, who is running for Virginia governor, was the chair of Donald Trump's Virginia campaign, until he was fired for staging a protest against the Republican National Convention, alleging that the "establishment pukes" were insufficiently pro-Trump. Stewart has made a name for himself promoting persecution of immigrants in Prince William County, where he is the chairman of the Board of Supervisors. He frequently boasts that he "was Trump before Trump."

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

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