Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Protest Trump's Racist AG Jeff Sessions

Tomorrow, March 15th 2017, at 9:30am, on the sidewalk outside of the Suntrust Building (919 East Main Street, Richmond VA), the VACOLAO - Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations and a large group of partners and grassroots activists will be holding a demonstration against Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions. From the media release:

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions is unfit for his position and unwelcome in Richmond. With his history of voter suppression, opposing civil rights legislation, and denigrating entire demographics of our national population, it is clear that he cannot be trusted to uphold our laws or human rights. We do not believe that AG Sessions has the desire, capacity, or will to act in the best interest of Americans."

The involved organizations include: the
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, Virginia Organizing, United Faith Leaders, Together We Will Virginia, Showing Up for Racial Justice SURJ Richmond, Southerners On New Ground, the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter, New Virginia Majority, LWCC - Liberal Women of Chesterfield County, Justice RVA, Indivisible Richmond, ICE Out of RVA, Equality Virginia, and the ACLU of Virginia.

For more information and to RSVP, see this link. Street parking will be limited. 

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