Monday, August 28, 2017

"Confront the Klan: A Training for People Who Want to Protest," with the Virginia Civic Engagement Table

Wednesday, September 6th 2017, from 10am-4pm, at 26 North 8th Street, Richmond VA, the Virginia Civic Engagement Table is holding a training on how to protest white supremacist gatherings nonviolently.

This training will address how to decide when to show up, the different approaches to nonviolent protest, creative methods, planning, and practical skills for staying safe in the streets. However you decide to engage, you should be prepared, support a diversity of tactics, and work in a group.

Free, but you must register through the link provided in the event description. For more info, see the link.

"Reclaiming Our Democracy: Reforming the Police" Discussion

Saturday, September 9th 2017, from 1-4pm, at the Maggie L. Walker Governor's School for Government and International Study (1000 North Lombardy Street, Richmond VA), the Richmond Peace Education Center ☮ and the ACLU of Virginia are holding a panel discussion about police accountability and transparency in Virginia, and paths to reform. From the event description:

"The panel discussion features expert speakers who will address the need for police reform with an emphasis on policies and practices that enhance professionalism, transparency and accountability. In order to bring about reform, citizens’ voices need to be heard. If you share our concerns about police misconduct, broken windows policing and civil asset forfeiture, we hope you will join us to discuss an agenda for reform."

The event appears to also serve as the ACLU's annual membership meeting, though it is free and open to the public. Attendees must register by August 31st. For questions or assistance, call 804-644-8022 or email Lot parking is available.

I don't necessarily believe that mere reform of the police is possible or sufficient, but the discussion may be useful to observe even if you don't participate. For more information and instructions on how to register, see the link.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Remembering Gabriel's Rebellion

Wednesday, August 30th 2017, from 8:30-9:30pm, at Richmond's African Burial Ground (Broad and 16th Streets, Richmond VA), the Sacred Ground Historical Reclamation Project of the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality are holding a commemoration to mark the 217th anniversary of Gabriel's Rebellion. From the event description:

"This is a reflective event - an opportunity to remember and honor those who fought against slavery and Jim Crow and who still fight against white supremacy, racism, fascism and war. Remember those who have stood for love, justice, equality and a future in which we all can thrive. Remember those who stand and speak, who dance and shout for a future full of love, justice, equality, peace and strength at home and abroad. Remember those who have given their lives’ work or their very lives for these ideals. Remember those who had no idea they'd have to. And let us take inspiration from their example as we rededicate ourselves to those same ideals."

Bring a yellow flower (real, artificial or handmade) to place at the large stones attached to the historic markers on the Burial Ground. Bring red flowers to honor the spirit of resistance.

For more info and to RSVP, see the link.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Charlottesville Reflection Space with the Richmond Peace Education Center

Next Monday, August 28th 2017, from 6-8:30pm, at the Richmond Friends Meeting (4500 Kensington Avenue, Richmond VA), The Richmond Peace Education Center ☮ is holding a reflection and discussion on the August 12th events in Charlottesville. From the event description:

"We invite friends of the Peace Center and concerned community members to join together to begin to reflect about & discuss the events in Charlottesville what this demands of all of us."

Free. The venue is wheelchair accessible.

Email any questions to Jelani ( For more info and to RSVP, see this link.

SONG RVA Black August Screen Printing

Sunday, August 27th 2017, from 2-4pm, at the Soft Web Studio Collective (3110 West Leigh Street, Richmond VA), Richmond's chapter of SONG (Southerners On New Ground) is holding a screenprinting fundraiser for their Black August bail action. From the fundraising page:

"More than often, people are sitting in cages because they cannot afford to pay bail. At its very essence, Black August emphasizes honoring and upholding Black community. We can think of no better way to commemorate the history of Black August than to bail out as many Black women, broadly defined, and Black trans people across the South as we can."

Entry is $5-10, all proceeds to the RVA Black August Bail Fund. Shirts will be available to screen-print and take home, but you can also bring your own fabric.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link.

Richmond Times-Dispatch: "Modern-day Confederate from Tennessee in battle with Gov. Terry McAuliffe over Lee monument rally in Richmond"

To read the Richmond Times-Dispatch story, see this link.

Thomas Crompton, some guy from Tennessee who styles himself as the "commanding general of CSA II: the New Confederate States of America" and whose Facebook profile indicates affiliation with with the right-wing militia group the three-percenters, wants to stage a neo-Confederate rally at the Lee Monument. He can't, for now, because in the wake of the August 12th Charlottesville white supremacist rally which left one counterprotester dead, McAuliffe issued an executive order temporarily barring the issuance of permits at that site.

That's not especially noteworthy— a lot of people want to hold rallies on Monument avenue to defend the shrines to white supremacy there— but I'm pointing out this case to say this: there's going to be a fight over those monuments, and the far-right is going to show up for them.

It's long past time to take them down.

Richmond Times-Dispatch: "Henrico judge's ruling allows case over state abortion regulations to proceed." Or, watch out for the next TRAP fight.

The Virginia Family Foundation is funding the legal costs of one of two plaintiffs who allege that the Board of Health's roll-back of restrictive 2012 abortion clinic regulations violated procedure and should be thrown out. The rules, part of a legislative strategy called TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers), were at one point expected to shut down all or most of Virginia's abortion clinics, by imposing hospital building standards on all current and future clinics.

The plaintiffs, Henrico-based Itzel A. Melendez and Board of Health member Megan C. Getter, argue that the regulations pertain to health and safety standards. They do not, unless details like the presence of awnings or the number of linen closets pertain to the health or safety of patients seeking reproductive health services. These rules did not, could not, and were never intended to protect women and others seeking abortions— they were solely intended to restrict access to abortions by closing down the clinics that working-class people depend on for their reproductive healthcare.

It was our pressure that led McAuliffe to direct the Board of Health to begin proceedings to repeal the rules, and if this lawsuit brings them back, we'll do it again. Keep an eye out.

Read the Richmond Times-Dispatch piece here.

Washington Post: "Immigrant group in Virginia sues ICE over 'collateral arrests' it calls unconstitutional"

The Legal Aid Justice Center is filing a lawsuit on behalf of two Virginia men who were taken into custody by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as "collateral arrests." Essentially, "collateral arrests" are when ICE goes to arrest somebody they have grounds to detain, but also grabs unrelated parties suspected of being undocumented immigrants. Because the suspicion isn't based on any knowledge about these unrelated parties, just their ethnicity and proximity to an ICE investigation, this tactic is just racial profiling by another name.

Under Trump, arrest of immigrants with no criminal records has more than doubled, partially because of "collateral arrests."

Read the Washington Post article here.

Target Workers on Strike in Christiansburg, Virginia

Learn more, including how you can support workers striking for dignity on the job, here.

Folks out near Christiansburg, Virginia: workers at the local Target are going on strike to rid themselves of an abusive manager. Nobody should have to deal with sexual harassment or racial antagonism at work (or ever), and since the Target management won’t get rid of this guy, the workers have to take action themselves. 

For info on how you can support, see the page and website.

More reports of civilians killed in US-led strikes on Raqqa, Syria

This Al Jazeera English article from August 22nd, 2017, reports that U.S. led strikes on Raqqa, Syria, killed between 66 and 100 civilians in just 48 hours.

Coalition actions in Syria are not motivated by humanitarianism. If the death tolls don't convince you, or our government's support for forces we would or have actively fought in other theatres, or the exclusion of the secular Kurdish forces from the 2016 UN talks, then how about this: this May, Trump signed an executive order to prevent Syrians fleeing the violence from applying for US visas.

There is no reason at all to believe that we're bombing Syria because we want to help Syrians. U.S. out of Syria now!

Help NO ACP with their Resistance Bus

NO ACP, the pipeline resistance group, has obtained a bus. They’re raising money to help refurbish it so that they can use it in their efforts to preserve the environment and assist other organizations. 

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Fundraiser for the Virginia Defender, the only statewide progressive newspaper

The Virginia Defender, the all-volunteer community newspaper published by my organization, the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality, is holding a fundraiser! As is always the case, none of the money goes to an individual: we're all donating our time and talents to put news and analysis out there. The money goes straight to the printer. Our Autumn 2017 issue is going to focus on the history of Richmond's confederate monuments (which we've been calling to take down since 2006) and the history of Shockoe Bottom, once the center of the domestic slave trade.

We were there in Charlottesville last Saturday, and you can read our report, with pics and video, at our website (

To donate, see this link.

Dance Class to Support Victims of Nazi Attack

Sorry about the late notice, been busy.

Tomorrow, Sunday August 20th 2017, from 1-2pm, at Electric Nomad Dance(109 West 15th Street, Studio 104, Richmond VA), noted local dancer and instructor Twila Jane Sikorsky is giving a class to benefit Black Lives Matter Charlottesville. Twila has toured and taught around the country, and you can see her perform on Sundays at the Crossroads Cafe on Forest Hill Avenue.

Beginners welcome, $5-15 suggested donation, all proceeds to BLM in Charlottesville. If you can't make this class, don't worry: this is the first of a series.

For more information and to RSVP, see this link

Seven Hills Autonomous Queers Open Meeting

Wednesday, August 23rd 2017, from 7-9pm, at Abner Clay Park (200 West Clay Street, Richmond VA), the Seven Hills Autonomous Queers are holding an open meeting to discuss items of LGBTQ concern, how to get involved with SHAQ, ongoing projects, and more.

Some refreshments will be provided; bring some to share as well. For more info and to RSVP, see this link.

Richmond Food, Clothing & Resistance Collective

Mutual aid like this forms the foundation of movements against injustice. I know we’re all strapped for cash, and I know it seems like there are a hundred important fundraisers happening (kind of inevitable when you’ve got working-class people trying to fight the entrenched systems designed to keep us down), but if you can spare a couple bucks, this is a good one. You can donate here

Friday, August 18, 2017

Planned Parenthood Benefit Show

Saturday, August 26th 2017, from 10pm-1am, at Flora (203 North Lombardy Street, Richmond VA), there will be a show to benefit the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia. Featuring: Pete Curry, the Smirks, Foresterr, and Neat Sweep.

$5 donation at the door, all proceeds to the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia. 21+ only. Street parking only.

For more info and to RSVP, see the link

Thursday, August 17, 2017


Centrism isn't a position so much as it is the ability to take an average between other people's positions, no matter how disparate. It's a cop-out non-position which has no moral test. Where's the middle point between "Hitler was right and inferiors must be eradicated" and "Hitler was wrong and all people have human dignity"? I'll tell you what that middle point is: wrong!

Sometimes, two ideas are utterly incompatible. Sometimes, the middle ground between two incompatible ideas functionally does not exist; any refusal to completely reject one pole is an endorsement of it. Sometimes only total rejection is a moral response. Pick a side.

Newsweek story: "Charlottesville Police Refused to Protect Synagogue from Nazis"

Newsweek's Jack Moore reports. To read the article, see this link

As more people come forward with their accounts of the situation in Charlottesville this past weekend, something is becoming more and more clear: the police were on hand to protect the white supremacist rally, and nobody else. The Charlottesville PD couldn't even be bothered to have an officer on hand observing the armed neo-Nazis marching in front of Congregation Beth Israel, even though there had been public calls for an arson attack posted on Nazi websites prior to the rally.

We are living under a right-wing government, and can't expect its protection. It's up to us to defend ourselves and one another.

Update on Derrick Davis: Still Around, Still Repping White Nationalism Around VCU

When I last posted about Derrick Davis almost exactly a year ago, he was a philosophy student at VCU and a member of the white nationalist Traditionalist Worker's Party. To the best of my knowledge, he's still a student, and still putting up TWP stickers all over the Monroe Park campus. RVA Dirt brings us his new photo and a tweet in which he celebrates the murder of Heather Heyer this past Saturday. Look sharp.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

SONG Black August Bail Out: Care Package & Art Party

Monday, August 28th 2017, from 6-9pm in the Comm Room (3110 West Leigh Street, Richmond VA), Southerners On New Ground and the Virginia Anti-Violence Project are holding an event to make care packages for people released from jail as part of the Black August Bail Out action. From the event description:

"Black August has long been a month of resistance for Black folks. At its very essence, Black August emphasizes honoring and upholding Black community. We can think of no better way to commemorate the history of Black August than to bail out as many Black women, broadly defined, and Black trans people across the South as we can. As we center Black leadership and communities, we ask you to donate to SONG to help us connect Black families and loved ones, highlight the human costs of inhumane and destructive bail practices, and support local base building on the frontlines of mass incarceration."

VAVP will also be hosting a conversation on violence in the LGBTQ community.

The event is free, but donations to the bail out action are appreciated. For more info and to RSVP, see the link

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Free Brief Counseling Offered to Richmonders Exposed to Violence in Charlottesville

Were you a counter-protester, medic, legal observer, or other volunteer in Charlottesville this Saturday, and do you need to talk to somebody about what you saw or experienced? A network of counselors and therapists are contributing free brief sessions to Richmonders in this situation, to help them navigate the immediate effects of exposure to violence.

Space is limited and this type of service may not be adequate for everyone. Contact Nicole O-Pries at 804-601-6408 to be matched with somebody.

For more details, see the link.

August Virginia Climate Movement Call

Tuesday, August 22nd 2017, from 12-1pm, the Sierra Club Virginia Chapteris holding a conference call on the Virginia climate movement. Anybody interested in the Virginia climate movement is invited to participate.

For more info, for instructions on how to join the call, and to RSVP, see this link

Faith & Community: The Role of the African American Church in Richmond

This Thursday, August 17th 2017, from 12-1pm at the Library of Virginia (800 East Broad Street, Richmond VA), there will be a panel discussion titled "Faith & Community: the Role of the African American Church in Richmond." From the event description:

"The 150th anniversary of Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church (The Mount - Richmond), one of Richmond’s most historic congregations, is the inspiration for this discussion of the African American church’s role and impact—both historical and current—on Richmond’s culture. Moderator Samantha Willis, arts and entertainment editor for Richmond Magazine, will lead this conversation with community historian Elvatrice Belsches, Reverend Tyrone Nelson of Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church, and Dr. Andrew White, a senior minister with ties to Virginia Union University and the Baptist General Convention of Virginia. Cosponsored by Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church."

Free, open to the public. For more information, contact Catherine Wyatt at or (804) 692-3999. For more info and to RSVP, see the link

Showing of "Trouble Episode 3: Refugees Welcome"

Tuesday, August 22nd 2017, from 7-9pm, at 3110 West Leigh Street, Richmond VA, there will be another installment in the screening and discussion series centered around the anarchist collective subMedia's film series "Trouble." This event will feature episode 3, "Refugees Welcome: Creating Solidarity Across Borders." From the event description:

"Event is free but bring cash for vegan snax and drinks. $5-10 donations also accepted with all proceeds benefiting ICE Out of RVA. Discussion to follow! Perfect event for newbies and any lefties looking to learn, help raise awareness and make connections in town. BRING YOUR BUDS!"

Open to the public. The venue is wheelchair accessible with a single-occupancy bathroom. Street and lot parking available.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Memorial Service for Heather Heyer

Tomorrow, Wednesday August 16th 2017, at 11am at the Paramount Theatre (215 East Main Street, Charlottesville VA) there will be a public memorial service for Heather Heyer, the anti-racist demonstrator murdered in Charlottesville this past Saturday. Guests are asked to wear purple.

After the Unite the Right rally had been declared illegal and ordered to dispersed, a contingent of the white supremacists went to Friendship Court, a nearby majority-Black housing development, to intimidate and harass residents. Heyer was part of a large group of demonstrators who went to block the white nationalists; when they arrived, residents said that they had the situation under control but asked that the anti-racists stay in the area. The counterdemonstrators, now joined by some locals, moved several blocks away as requested, and were joined by another group of anti-racists on Water Street. At the intersection of Water and 4th Streets, the neo-Nazi James Fields drove his car into the crowd, killing Heyer and injuring 19 others, some severely.

Heather Heyer, we will remember your bravery and commitment to justice forever. Rest in power.

Thanks Shut It Down RVA for the corrections.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Back safe, no time to report now.

I was in Charlottesville yesterday and on the scene within minutes of the car attack. I'm not injured and will report later. 

Candlelight Vigil for Victims of Saturday's Fascist Attack

Tonight, from 8:30-9pm, at Abner Clay Park (200 West Clay Street, Richmond VA), Democratic Socialists of America - Richmond are holding a candlelight vigil to honor the injured and dead of yesterday’s fascist attack.

For more info and to RSVP, see the link

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Community Justice Film series screening: Housing

Thursday, August 17th 2017, from 6-8:30pm, at the University of Richmond Downtown, the Community Justice Film Series is holding a screening and discussion on housing. The film for this section will be "America Divided," by Shonda Rhimes, Common, and Norman Lear.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Fundraiser for the Virginia Interfaith Center's Sanctuary Fund

Sunday, August 13th 2017, from 2-6pm at Strangeways Brewing (2277 Dabney Road, Richmond VA), the Central Virginia Sanctuary Network is holding a fundraiser to benefit the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy’s Sanctuary Fund. The money raised will go to families impacted by detentions and deportations, and to those who need help paying for legal assistance to navigate the existing immigration system.

For more information and to RSVP, see this link.