Friday, August 25, 2017

Remembering Gabriel's Rebellion

Wednesday, August 30th 2017, from 8:30-9:30pm, at Richmond's African Burial Ground (Broad and 16th Streets, Richmond VA), the Sacred Ground Historical Reclamation Project of the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality are holding a commemoration to mark the 217th anniversary of Gabriel's Rebellion. From the event description:

"This is a reflective event - an opportunity to remember and honor those who fought against slavery and Jim Crow and who still fight against white supremacy, racism, fascism and war. Remember those who have stood for love, justice, equality and a future in which we all can thrive. Remember those who stand and speak, who dance and shout for a future full of love, justice, equality, peace and strength at home and abroad. Remember those who have given their lives’ work or their very lives for these ideals. Remember those who had no idea they'd have to. And let us take inspiration from their example as we rededicate ourselves to those same ideals."

Bring a yellow flower (real, artificial or handmade) to place at the large stones attached to the historic markers on the Burial Ground. Bring red flowers to honor the spirit of resistance.

For more info and to RSVP, see the link.

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