Thursday, August 24, 2017

Richmond Times-Dispatch: "Modern-day Confederate from Tennessee in battle with Gov. Terry McAuliffe over Lee monument rally in Richmond"

To read the Richmond Times-Dispatch story, see this link.

Thomas Crompton, some guy from Tennessee who styles himself as the "commanding general of CSA II: the New Confederate States of America" and whose Facebook profile indicates affiliation with with the right-wing militia group the three-percenters, wants to stage a neo-Confederate rally at the Lee Monument. He can't, for now, because in the wake of the August 12th Charlottesville white supremacist rally which left one counterprotester dead, McAuliffe issued an executive order temporarily barring the issuance of permits at that site.

That's not especially noteworthy— a lot of people want to hold rallies on Monument avenue to defend the shrines to white supremacy there— but I'm pointing out this case to say this: there's going to be a fight over those monuments, and the far-right is going to show up for them.

It's long past time to take them down.

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