Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Memorial Service for Heather Heyer

Tomorrow, Wednesday August 16th 2017, at 11am at the Paramount Theatre (215 East Main Street, Charlottesville VA) there will be a public memorial service for Heather Heyer, the anti-racist demonstrator murdered in Charlottesville this past Saturday. Guests are asked to wear purple.

After the Unite the Right rally had been declared illegal and ordered to dispersed, a contingent of the white supremacists went to Friendship Court, a nearby majority-Black housing development, to intimidate and harass residents. Heyer was part of a large group of demonstrators who went to block the white nationalists; when they arrived, residents said that they had the situation under control but asked that the anti-racists stay in the area. The counterdemonstrators, now joined by some locals, moved several blocks away as requested, and were joined by another group of anti-racists on Water Street. At the intersection of Water and 4th Streets, the neo-Nazi James Fields drove his car into the crowd, killing Heyer and injuring 19 others, some severely.

Heather Heyer, we will remember your bravery and commitment to justice forever. Rest in power.

Thanks Shut It Down RVA for the corrections.

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