Thursday, August 24, 2017

More reports of civilians killed in US-led strikes on Raqqa, Syria

This Al Jazeera English article from August 22nd, 2017, reports that U.S. led strikes on Raqqa, Syria, killed between 66 and 100 civilians in just 48 hours.

Coalition actions in Syria are not motivated by humanitarianism. If the death tolls don't convince you, or our government's support for forces we would or have actively fought in other theatres, or the exclusion of the secular Kurdish forces from the 2016 UN talks, then how about this: this May, Trump signed an executive order to prevent Syrians fleeing the violence from applying for US visas.

There is no reason at all to believe that we're bombing Syria because we want to help Syrians. U.S. out of Syria now!

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