Sunday, September 24, 2017

Screening of "Denial"

Sunday, October 8th 2017, from 3-5:30pm at the Weinstein JCC (5403 Monument Avenue, Richmond VA), there will be a screening of the 2016 film "Denial," followed by a discussion panel featuring Holocaust survivor Dr. Roger Loria and Charm Bullard, Director of Programs at the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities. The film is a drama based on the non-fiction book "History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier," by historian Deborah Lipstadt.

In her 1993 book "Denying the Holocaust," Lipstadt referred to another author, the antisemitic racist David Irving, as a Holocaust denier. Irving took Lipstadt and her publisher to court in England for libel. Lipstadt brought evidence to the court to prove that her characterization of Irving was justified, because 1. the Holocaust happened, and 2. Irving claimed that it did not. She won the case.

The event costs $6 for Weinstein Jewish Community Center members and $10 for non-members. For more info and to RSVP, see the link.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Comprehensive Addiction Recovery Empowerment (CARE) Talk on Substance Abuse Disorders

Saturday, October 7th 2017, from 5-10pm, at the Virginia Historical Society (428 North Boulevard, Richmond VA), a number of organizations oriented to addiction recovery are holding a Comprehensive Addiction Recovery Empowerment (CARE) Talk, on the subject of substance abuse and its solutions in Virginia. Speakers will include Attorney General Mark Herring, gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie, Anne Moss Nimocks Rogers, Michael Zohab, Richard Jones, Thomas Bannard, and Dr. Sarah Scarbrough.

The event appears to be free. See the link for more information.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

"Voices from Charlottesville" Presentation and Panel Discussion

Thursday, September 28th 2017, from 6:30-8:30pm, at the Main Branch of the Richmond Public Library (101 East Franklin Street, Richmond VA), the Bijou Film Center and Richmond Peace Education Center are holding a presentation and panel discussion on the events of August 12th in Charlottesville. The event will begin with an exploration of the media perception of the Unite the Right rally and the counterprotests, followed by a panel discussion featuring those who were there. The discussion will cover approaches to opposing racism and fascism.

Free. For more information and to RSVP, see the link.

Friday, September 15, 2017

September 16th 2017: the "Confederate States of America II" is coming to town for a rally. Here's an event roundup.

As you all know, the Tennessee-based group "Confederate States of America II," a pro-Confederate organization who primarily seems to exist to sell Confederate-related merchandise, is holding a rally on Monument Avenue this Saturday. Here's an RVA Magazine piece on them.

While it's impossible to anticipate exactly how many people will show, and who they'll be associated with, the current estimate for the pro-monument group stands at 50. They will be open-carrying firearms. We do know that the organizers disavow neo-Nazis and the Klan, but are involved with the far-right militia movement. We also know that members of various white nationalist groups will be showing up anyway.

In terms of what we know about the police response: this event will be heavily policed, by RPD, state police, and possibly others. A large "assembly area" has been blocked off on Monument Avenue around the Lee statue. There is a substantial no-parking area. Police have said that they cannot restrict the right of attendees to carry guns, but that they would not tolerate other weapons like batons, pepper spray, etc, or even protective gear like helmets. They have said repeatedly that they anticipate making many arrests. Despite the clear precedence of the August 12th white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, the city has said that they primarily fear "violence by far-left demonstrators who identify as antifa, or anti-fascist"; I am interpreting this to mean that officers will take an especially harsh view of anybody who looks like they might be an antifascist. 

There are expected to be thousands of counter-protesters and people participating in related events. Here's what I know about.

Protest White Supremacy with the Defenders, held by the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality. 8am-6pm, details regarding meeting up to be posted. "Many Richmond progressive groups have called for protests, some on Monument Avenue, some in other parts of the city. We support all expressions of anti-racism. For our part, we will be as near to the Lee statue as possible, with signs, banners and chants denouncing white supremacy and calling for the Confederate statues to be taken down." I have been with the Defenders since 2013, and will be marching with them.

Richmond Stands United for Racial Justice, with the Richmond Peace Education Center, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, and First UU Church of Richmond. 8:45-11am, meet at the Maggie Walker Monument (approximately 100 West Broad Street, Richmond VA). There will be a rally for racial justice and rejecting the white supremacist foundation of the Lost Cause mythos, followed by a march.

The #BlocKKKparty, held by Shut It Down RVA. 9am-whenever, at the median at Monument Avenue and North Allen Street. A potluck-style community cookout, with the slogan "celebrate a human future— don't enshrine a racist past."

White Rose Demonstration
, held by Community of Richmond Virginia (CORVA). Meets 8:30am at the Museum of Fine Arts (200 North Boulevard, Richmond VA). Participants will pass out white roses at the demonstration, a reference to the anti-fascist White Rose.

There are numerous options if you are unable to participate in a counter-demonstration. This is by far one of the largest:

Building a Just Richmond, hosted by a large coalition of local groups including the Interfaith Community of Greater Richmond, Diversity Richmond, the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond, and many more. 1-4:30pm, at the MathScience Innovation Center (2401 Hartman Street, Richmond VA). Following a plenary with speakers and a panel, attendees will have the opportunity to choose from several facilitated workshops designed to build skills to advance a just Richmond.

Court Support for Brandon and Jeff, Disrupters of Jason Kessler's Press Conference

The day after the August 12th Unite the Right rally, a white supremacist assault on Charlottesville which culminated in the murder of activist Heather Heyer, its architect Jason Kessler held a press conference. Jeff and Brandon ran him off. Next Friday they're going to court; let's show up to support them.

Here are the details: Friday, September 22nd 2017, from 10-11am, at the Charlottesville General District Court (606 East Market Street, Charlottesville VA). Remember that cell phones are not generally permitted inside court buildings; lock it in your glovebox or leave it at home.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Come to City Council to Support the Removal of Confederate Statues

Monday, September 25th 2017, from 6-9pm, at Richmond City Hall (900 East Broad Street, Richmond VA), Richmond City Council member Michael Jones (9th district) will introduce a resolution putting the City Council on record as supporting the removal of Monument Avenue's five Confederate statues. The Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality are promoting the slogan "Take down the Confederate Statues & Build the Shockoe Bottom Memorial Park!"

For more info and to RSVP, see the link.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

FOIA Drop and Press Conference on Immigration Raids


From 12:30-1:20pm, at the regional Immigration and Customs Enforcement office (9200 Arboretum Parkway, Suite 140, Richmond VA), join ICE Out of RVA, the Virginia Anti-Violence Project, Southerners On New Ground, and others as they hold a press conference and submit Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests demanding information on Operation MEGA or any upcoming immigration raids. Operation MEGA is a nationwide immigration raid which is scheduled to begin on September 16th.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

5k for Flint: Fundraiser for Flint, Michigan

Saturday, September 23rd 2017. from 3-7pm at Midlothian High School (401 Charter Colony Parkway, Midlothian VA), there will be a fundraising event to benefit the people of Flint, Michigan. From the event description: 

"5K For Flint is a charity fundraiser 5K organized to raise money and provide immediate relief for the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Residents of Flint, Michigan have been poisoned by toxic, lead poisoned water for over three years. On April 24, 2014, the government switched the city’s water source from Lake Huron to the historically dirty Flint River to save money. However, the acidic water of Flint River corroded the lead pipes of the city, and as a result, Flint’s tap water became contaminated with toxic levels of lead. Flint residents are forced to use bottled water for everything, from bathing to cooking. The funds raised from 5K For Flint will go towards providing adequate water filters, bottles of water, and emergency support services (through the United Way of Genesee County fund)."

The event is free to attend, and will feature food, music, games, and activities. The 5k run is friendly to beginners and sign-up costs $20 and includes a free t-shirt. 

For more info and to sign up to run, see this link

Friday, September 8, 2017

OAR (Opportunity Alliance Re-Entry) Benefit Show

Monday, September 18th 2017, from 5-8pm, at the Camel (1621 West Broad Street, Richmond VA), there will be a show to benefit OAR (Opportunity Alliance Re-Entry), a community organization that provides re-entry services for people getting out of prison. Acts will include Pat Keefe, Justin Golden, Right Hand Son, Keilan Creech, Doris MacKinnon, and Graham Stone Music.

$5 at the door. Street parking only.

For more info and to RSVP, see the link.

Friday, September 1, 2017

The People's Pipeline Protest: a Peaceful Sit-In

Thursday, September 14th 2017, from 12-1pm, at all seven Department of Environmental Quality offices throughout the state (see link for addresses), the CCAN Action Fund is holding a peaceful sit-in protest at the doors to demonstrate opposition to the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines. The proposed fracked gas pipelines would require the seizure of people's homes and farms, would place unacceptable risk on the communities they traversed, and would ultimately accelerate climate change. The project has enjoyed abiding support from governor Terry McAuliffe. From the event description:

"In a culminating appeal, a group of peaceful community leaders led by farmers and landowners from across the state will sit silently across the office entrances in a time-honored act of dignified protest. If you deem these pipelines such a major threat that you’ve considered creative peaceful protest, the time is now. This will likely be your best and perhaps last chance to exercise your freedom of speech in this most powerful way BEFORE any final state decisions are made."

For more info and to RSVP, see the link. DEQ offices are located in Richmond, Virginia Beach, Glen Allen, Woodbridge, Harrisonburg, Roanoke, and Abingdon.

Labor Day Rally with the Fight for $15

Ready to celebrate Labor Day right, with a rally for a higher minimum wage and union rights for all?

Monday, September 4th 2017, from 12-1:30pm, at the Plaza at Main Street Station (1500 East Main Street, Richmond VA), the Fight for $15 is celebrating Labor Day with a rally for union rights for all workers!

Family friendly, transportation available. Call Emily at (504) 502 2737 for more information.

Panel Discussion: "Preserving African American Stories: Collaborations, Crowdsourcing, and How You Can Help."

Friday. September 15th 2017, from 5:30-7:15pm, at the Library of Virginia (800 East Broad Street, Richmond VA), there will be a panel discussion titled "Preserving African American Stories: Collaborations, Crowdsourcing, and How You Can Help." This event is an optional addition to “Virginia: Where African American Genealogy and History Begin," a conference to be held the following day. From the event description:

"Individual researchers, families, civic organizations, museums, and record keepers—physical and digital—all have a role in telling and preserving the rich and varied story of African Americans in Virginia and the nation. Panel members Gregg Kimball (director of Public Services & Outreach at the Library), Emily Schultz (with FamilySearch), and Selma Stewart (past president of the Hampton Roads Chapter of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society) will discuss current efforts and model projects to advance our shared goals of accessibility, public engagement, and long-term record preservation with moderator Thom Reed of FamilySearch."

Free, open to the public. For more information, contact or (804) 692-3999. To RSVP, see the link.