Sunday, September 24, 2017

Screening of "Denial"

Sunday, October 8th 2017, from 3-5:30pm at the Weinstein JCC (5403 Monument Avenue, Richmond VA), there will be a screening of the 2016 film "Denial," followed by a discussion panel featuring Holocaust survivor Dr. Roger Loria and Charm Bullard, Director of Programs at the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities. The film is a drama based on the non-fiction book "History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier," by historian Deborah Lipstadt.

In her 1993 book "Denying the Holocaust," Lipstadt referred to another author, the antisemitic racist David Irving, as a Holocaust denier. Irving took Lipstadt and her publisher to court in England for libel. Lipstadt brought evidence to the court to prove that her characterization of Irving was justified, because 1. the Holocaust happened, and 2. Irving claimed that it did not. She won the case.

The event costs $6 for Weinstein Jewish Community Center members and $10 for non-members. For more info and to RSVP, see the link.

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