Friday, September 1, 2017

Panel Discussion: "Preserving African American Stories: Collaborations, Crowdsourcing, and How You Can Help."

Friday. September 15th 2017, from 5:30-7:15pm, at the Library of Virginia (800 East Broad Street, Richmond VA), there will be a panel discussion titled "Preserving African American Stories: Collaborations, Crowdsourcing, and How You Can Help." This event is an optional addition to “Virginia: Where African American Genealogy and History Begin," a conference to be held the following day. From the event description:

"Individual researchers, families, civic organizations, museums, and record keepers—physical and digital—all have a role in telling and preserving the rich and varied story of African Americans in Virginia and the nation. Panel members Gregg Kimball (director of Public Services & Outreach at the Library), Emily Schultz (with FamilySearch), and Selma Stewart (past president of the Hampton Roads Chapter of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society) will discuss current efforts and model projects to advance our shared goals of accessibility, public engagement, and long-term record preservation with moderator Thom Reed of FamilySearch."

Free, open to the public. For more information, contact or (804) 692-3999. To RSVP, see the link.

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