Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Blow the Whistle on Dominion: Shareholders Meeting Protest

Wednesday, May 10th 2017, from 10:45am-12:45pm, at 5th and Marshall streets outside of the Richmond Convention Center (403 North 3rd Street, Richmond VA), the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter, Appalachian Voices, Chesapeake Bay Group Sierra Club, and Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) are holding a demonstration outside Dominion's Annual Shareholders Meeting. 

Dominion Energy is the largest political donor in Virginia, and uses its influence to manipulate state politics and the Department of Environmental Quality. It obtained permission from the state to dump tons of coal ash wastewater into our rivers, and to build extensive natural gas pipelines. It knowingly built its North Anna Nuclear Generating Station on a faultline. Despite the incredible peril of the global climate, it continues to shun renewable power as much as possible in favor of burning fossil fuels.

For more information and to RSVP, see this link

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