Sunday, April 30, 2017

May Day 2017— RVA Schedule

Tomorrow, May 1st, is International Workers Day— happy May Day! Let's see what we've got on the schedule:
From 10:30am-8pm we've got May Day RVA: Creating Sanctuary for ALL/Santuario para Todos at Abner Clay Park (street parking only). Join ALL THE SAINTS THEATER COMPANYASH Antifa Seven HillsBlack Rose / Rosa Negra - RVANo ACPDemocratic Socialists of America - Richmond, the Fight for 15, ICE Out of RVAProgressVARichmond StruggleSoutherners On New GroundThe Virginia Defender, and the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy for events all day, including an interfaith vigil, art and cultural showcases, and a solidarity march.

From 4-8pm, chow down at the May Day Cookout!
And finally, from 5:30-8:30pm, march or watch the MAY DAY PARADE! International Worker's Day Richmond! , a yearly staple. This one's especially fun for the kids (though the really little ones might benefit from ear protection, since it's often very loud!).
Let's get out there, show our numbers, and rededicate ourselves to the fight! Solidarity forever!

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