Saturday, January 28, 2017

United for a Sanctuary City for All– Press Conference and Rally

Para español, mira la página.

Monday, January 30th 2017, from 5:30-7pm, at the Federal Courthouse Building (701 East Broad Street, Richmond VA), ICE Out of RVA is hosting a press conference and rally in support of making Richmond a sanctuary city for all. From the description:

"Latinx, Black, Muslim, LGBTQ+ individuals, and allies from across Virginia are coming together to send a message to local, state, and federal government that we, The People, stand together in solidarity and expect elected leaders to craft and support policies that create true Sanctuary Cities for ALL.

We are coming together in strength, love and resistance, to create Sanctuary communities where we protect and support each other."

For more information and to RSVP, see this link

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