Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project Fundraiser Kick-Off Party

Wednesday, February 8th 2017, from 7-10pm, at Gallery5 (200 West Marshall Street, Richmond VA), the Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project, Virginia's all-volunteer private abortion fund which helps people in need pay for abortion care and related expenses, is holding a kick-off party for their annual fundraising season. The fundraiser, the National Abortion Access Bowl-a-thon (BAT), lasts from February until the end of April. 

The fundraiser works like this: people form teams, which compete to raise money for their local abortion fund (ours is the RRFP). At the end of the BAT, there's a party at a bowling alley, and teams are awarded prizes in a number of categories. The kick-off party is a great opportunity to learn tips about grassroots abortion funding, meet other new volunteers, and join or start a fundraising team. 

If you don't have experience fundraising yet, the RRFP is holding a series of Fundraising 101 workshops. You can register for an upcoming workshop here

The venue is wheelchair accessible via a front access ramp, with first-floor gender-inclusive single-stall bathrooms. 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link. To add this event to your Google Calendar, click here. All of the posts on this blog pertaining to this year's National Abortion Access Bowl-a-thon will be tagged "BAT 2017". 

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