Tuesday, May 29, 2018

March for Justice and Reformation for Marcus-David Peters

Marcus-David Peters, a young high school biology teacher, was shot to death by a Richmond police officer on Monday, May 14th. He was in clear distress, unarmed, and naked. The RPD has released the video of his death, but maintains that the shooting was justified.

This Saturday, June 2nd 2018. from 1-4pm, there will be a march from VCU's Siegel Center (1200 W. Broad St.) to the Richmond Police Department headquarters (200 W. Grace St.), to protest the killing and demand reform. A list of demands will be presented to police chief Alfred Durham. Organizers ask that you wear burgundy, Marcus-David's favorite color.

The event is being hosted by the Leaders Of the New South, New Virginia Majority, Second Baptist Church, West End, Southerners On New Ground, and the Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality.

For more info and to RSVP, see the link

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