Monday, December 11, 2017

Tonight: tell the Richmond City Council that we want the Confederate statues taken down.

Tonight, Monday December 11th 2017, the Richmond City Council is having a regular meeting from 6-9pm at city hall (900 East Broad Street, Richmond VA). 

At this meeting, the council will be voting on a resolution to ask that the General Assembly give the city the authority to tear down the monuments to white supremacy that litter our town. At the moment, it is against state law for any locality to remove any war memorial, once erected. This rule was originally added to the Code of Virginia in the 1950s, and protected only Confederate monuments, but was amended in the 1990s to include all factions and all wars. The Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality (my org) and the Richmond Democratic Socialists of America are calling for people to come out in support. 

Street parking only. The resolution in question will come up later in the meeting, so if you can only come for a portion, come later. 

For more info and to RSVP, see this link

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