Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tour of Evergreen Cemetery

This Saturday, July 15th 2017, from 7-8pm, at Evergreen Cemetery (50 Evergreen Road, Richmond VA) park rangers Ajena Rogers and Ben Anderson are holding a one-hour walking tour of the historic section. The tour will highlight some of the most famous people buried there— including Maggie L. Walker, who's being honored with a monument in Jackson Ward earlier in the day— as well as the history of the cemetery itself.

Evergreen is one of the oldest privately-owned Black cemeteries in Richmond, and you might have heard of it due to the cleanup and restoration efforts carried out every weekend by a dedicated team of volunteers. Cleanups are listed on the Active-RVA Community Calendar, and you can learn more (including how to help out or donate to the effort) at the Evergreen Cemetery Wordpress.

Free, open to the public.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link.

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