Thursday, July 27, 2017

Community Discussion with the Tilted Scales Collective: "A Tilted Guide to Being a Defendant."

Thursday, August 10th 2017, from 7-9pm, at the Comm Room (3110 West Leigh Street, Richmond VA), the Scuffletown Anti-Repression Committee is hosting the Tilted Scales Collective, a small collective of legal support organizers. They will hold a community discussion on their new book, "A Tilted Guide to Being a Defendant." From the event description:

"With increasing confrontations with the far right, cops, FBI, ICE, capitalism, the Trump administration, and the systems of dominance that seek to keep us down, the importance of resistance is crystal clear. So too are the costs and risks of our resistance. Since the inauguration, there have been hundreds of new felony charges filed against us across Turtle Island. Our book aspires to be a resource for radical left struggle to help us all figure out ways to deal with serious criminal charges so we can strengthen our organizing and fight for liberation more strategically."

Free, open to the public. A portion of the proceeds from the book will go to the Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC), a prison abolitionist collective that produces a free resource directory that is mailed to prisoners nationwide upon request.

For more info and to RSVP, see this link.

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