Sunday, June 4, 2017

Rally Terminar Colaboración con La Migra/End ICE Collaboration

Por español, mira la pagina.

Tomorrow, Monday June 5th 2017, at 5:30pm, at the Richmond City Jail (1701 Fairfield Way, Richmond VA), ICE Out of RVA is convening a demonstration to demand an end to cooperation between the Richmond Sheriff's Department and the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

What happens when local authorities cooperate with ICE? Things like this: Delmy, a Richmond resident for 2 years who's lived in the US for 14 years and never been charged with a crime, was arrested recently for a minor crime with little evidence. As she was being released after paying bond, a Richmond jail employee turned her over to ICE, and now she faces deportation. You can read more details in the event page, but the gist is:

The immigration system is broken. Cooperating with ICE doesn't fix that system, it just exposes people subject to a broken system to inhumane conditions.

For more details and to RSVP, see the link.

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