Saturday, May 6, 2017

National Conference: "Stop the Wars at Home & Abroad!" - UNAC

Friday, June 16th to Sunday, June 18th 2017, at the Greater Richmond Convention Center (403 North 3rd Street, Richmond VA), the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) is holding their 2017 national conference. The theme of this year's conference is: "Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad: Building a Movement Against War, Injustice, and Oppression!" 

From the event description: "Join activists from the many domestic and international struggles as we build unity against the Trump Regime and the underlying system responsible for imperialist wars, poverty, racism, sexism, the oppression of LGBTQ people, attacks on Muslims and undocumented immigrants, environmental destruction and all forms of injustice." 

Of special interest to locals is the meeting of the Virginia People's Assembly on Friday, June 16th, from 6:15-7:45pm. "This statewide educational and networking assembly has met each year in Richmond for the past eight years, attracting Virginia activists from a wide range of communities and struggles. We will hold a modified VPA on Friday evening, open to all conference participants." If you don't have an organization yet, this is the place to go to learn about some of the work being done. 

Registration is $35 for the general population, $15 for low-income. 

See the conference website for more information, including a program, speaker's list, and logistical details. You can also RSVP to the Facebook event here

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