Friday, May 5, 2017

MRAYD Candidate Meet and Greet and Debate Watch Party

This listing is not an endorsement of the Democratic party in general or any specific Democratic candidate. 

Tuesday, May 9th 2017, from 6-8pm, at On the ROX (119 North 18th Street, Richmond VA), the Metro Richmond Area Young Democrats (MRAYD) are holding a candidate meet-and-greet, followed by a debate watch party. The debate participants are the Democratic candidates for Virginia governor, Ralph Northam and Tom Perriello. Confirmed guests attending include candidates for Lieutenant Governor, Justin Fairfax and Susan Platt. 

The gathering will also include internal MRAYD elections from 6:45-7pm. 

Free, open to the public. For more info and to RSVP see this link

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