Tuesday, April 4, 2017

T-Gurlz Rock RVA 2017

Tuesday, April 18th 2017, from 7-10pm, at Diversity Richmond (1407 Sherwood Avenue, Richmond VA), the Nationz Foundation is observing National Transgender HIV Testing Day with T-Gurlz Rock 2017, an event to celebrate the beauty and resiliency of the transgender community, promote HIV testing, and highlight local designers, entertainers, and hairstylists. There will be a fashion show, drag performances, live vocalists, and raffles.

Admission is a $10 donation to support the work of the foundation, or 10 cans of nonperishable food. Open to the public.

The venue is wheelchair accessible with single-stall unisex bathrooms, and free off the street parking.
 For more info and to RSVP, see this link

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