Monday, April 3, 2017

Demonstration in Support of Inauguration Protesters TONIGHT

Today, April 3rd 2017, from 6:30-7:30pm, at the Federal Court House (North 7th Street, Richmond VA), the newly-assembled Scuffletown Anti-Repression Committee is holding a demonstration titled: "Solidarity Against Repression! From DC to Standing Rock!" From the event description: 

"From April 1st to 7th, actions, informational events, film screenings, and benefits will all take place across so-called North America and beyond. The purpose of the week of action is simple: to come together and push back against a wave of repression that has been growing in the United States and accelerated by the coming to power of the Trump administration.

"Since Trump has come into office, we have seen over 200 people face felony charges in Washington DC after being kettled on J20, over 100 are threatened with charges in Sacramento for taking part in an antifascist demonstration there last June, and over 800 water protectors face charges from a grand jury convened at Standing Rock. Meanwhile, several states have also been trying to push through a set of laws which would further criminalize protest and make it easier for protesters to be fined, face greater charges, and in some cases, even be killed if they block roadways.

"This wave of repression cannot also be divorced from the deadly acts of terror being carried out by the far-Right. As Trump supporters attack counter-demonstrators in Huntington Beach while chanting the name of the fascist dictator ‘Pinochet,’ mosques, black churches, LGBTQI centers, and synagogues are attacked, burned, and shot at, and members of the Alt-Right murder people in the street.

"Now is the time to come together, discuss how we can support each other, and continue forward on the path ahead. Now is the time to make our friends across the country know that we have their backs. Now is the time to remember that in the face of everything, we as a movement support each other, we back each other up, and we all know that an injury to one of us, is an injury to all of us."

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