Wednesday, February 15, 2017

"Women in Transition" Financial Planning Educational Series at Diversity Richmond

Eileen Edmonds and Benson Group Tax & Wealth Advisors are hosting an educational series, "Women in Transition," in February and March. In this case transitions mean things like retirement, the death of a spouse, career changes, having a child, etc. Each of the events will be held from 6:30-7:30pm in the Iridian Gallery Conference Room at Diversity Richmond (1407 Sherwood Avenue, Richmond VA). 

February 15th 2017: "Women, Money, and Power: Are you a woman of influence?"
February 22nd 2017: "Social Security Planning for Women"
March 22nd 2017: "Three Stages of Widowhood: a Financial Seminar for Widows and Friends"

Register through the links. The entry fee is a donation of any size to Diversity Richmond, payable at the door. The venue is wheelchair accessible. 

I'm thinking the Active-RVA readership is probably younger than the intended audience, but here it is. If you plan to attend, drop me a line and let me know the listing was useful. 

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