Sunday, February 26, 2017

Seas Are Rising, So Are We— Press Conference at the Virginia Capitol

Tuesday, February 28th 2017, from 12-1pm, at the Bell Tower on Capitol Square (101 North 9th Street, Richmond VA), the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter is joining with communities impacted by sea level rise to give a press conference outside of the governor's climate work group meeting. Join them to demand that our elected officials listen to the people who will be most harmed by sea level rise, not just the big polluters with big money. From the event description:

"Together we will ask that the governor urgently cuts carbon pollution in Virginia as sea level rise endangers Virginians’ public safety, financial security and well-being. We will call for carbon pollution from power plants to be reduced at least 30% by the year 2030."

For more info and to RSVP, see this link.

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