Sunday, January 22, 2017

Women's Equality Coalition Lobby Day General Assembly 2017

Tomorrow, Monday January 23rd from 7:30am-6pm, at the Virginia State Capitol (1000 Bank Street, Richmond VA), ProgressVA is holding a lobby day. From the event description: 
“Join us the Monday after the inauguration and the day after the anniversary of Roe v. Wade for our annual Women’s Equality Coalition Lobby Day, where activists join together in Richmond to speak with key legislators from across the Commonwealth on important bills regarding reproductive healthcare, women’s equality, and more! 
The day will kick off with a breakfast featuring Lt. Governor Ralph Northam. You will then break off to meet with your legislators to talk to them about the Women’s Equality Agenda, which features bills that fight for women’s health, economic opportunity, and democratic participation." 
For more info and to sign up to attend, see the event page.

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