Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Shut Down Bob Marshall and HB 1612 (Virginia's even-worse answer to North Carolina's anti-transgender Bathroom Bill)

Tomorrow, Thursday January 12th 2017, from 10am-1pm, in House Room 1 of the Virginia State Capitol (Richmond, VA: additional info on the entrance through the link), Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall and the Virginia First Foundation are holding a press conference on their bill, HB 1612, which makes it a crime for transgender people to use public bathrooms corresponding with their gender identity. A group is assembling to protest the bill.

HB 1612 prohibits people from using "a public bathroom or changing facility which does not correspond with the sex listed on their birth certificate"; allows people to sue a public institution if that institution allows transgender people to use the bathroom corresponding with their gender, on the grounds that this inflicts emotional damages to them; and requires principals to, within 24 hours, notify parents if their child expresses a wish to be “recognized or treated as the opposite sex” or to use a name or pronouns “inconsistent with [their] sex.”

While this item is being billed as a “Personal Privacy Act,” it can only be enforced if government institutions interrogate transgender people, or people of ‘ambiguous’ gender presentation, about their birth sex, and if public school officials monitor a child's gender identity.

For more info and to RSVP, see the link.

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