Monday, January 16, 2017

2017 General Assembly: Miscellaneous Bills

Note: Bills can still be filed until January 20th, so new items may be added. To see my master list of 2017 legislative topics, click here.

The letters before a bill’s number designate its chamber of origin. HB= House Bill, SB= Senate Bill, HR= House Resolution, etc.

This is my mop-up category, of bills which didn't fit in with:
Health, Mental Illness, and Disability; Women, Reproductive Health, and Abortion; Education; LGBTQ Rights; Cops, Courts, and Prisons; and Labor.

Bills to support:

SB 918: Expands a 2013 pilot program to allow third-party producers of renewable energy to sell excess electricity back to the local utility.

HB 1418: Allows localities to adopt rules prohibiting the carriage of firearms in their libraries.

HB 1482: Changes how Virginia allocates its electoral votes. Rather than going to whoever wins Virginia, they instead go to whoever wins the nationwide popular vote.

Bills to oppose:

SB 789 would lower Virginia’s corporate income tax from 6% to 5.5%, and SB 835 would lower it to 2.5%. Virginia taxes personal income at 5.75% for incomes over 17k; a business shouldn’t have a smaller tax rate than its workers.

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