Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017 General Assembly: Bills Involving Education

Note: Bills can still be filed until January 20th, so new items may be added. To see my master list of 2017 legislative topics, click here.

The letters before a bill’s number designate its chamber of origin. HB= House Bill, SB= Senate Bill, HR= House Resolution, etc.

Bills to support: 

SB 985, SB 986, and SB 987 all limit the allowed yearly tuition rate increases for public institutions.

HB 1462: Expands acceptable voting IDs to include photo IDs from colleges in other states.

HB 1536: Prohibits students in pre-K through 5th grade from being expelled or suspended due to offenses less than criminal.

SB 996: Prohibits pre-K through 5th grade students from being given long-term suspensions for disruptive behaviors, unless their behavior injured somebody.  

HB 1534 and SB 995 both limit the duration of long-term out of school suspensions from 364 days to 45 days.

Bills to oppose: 

HB 1452: Requires a 3 credit hour course in Western Civilization or US History as a condition of graduating from a public university. It’s unreasonable for a politician to set graduation requirements.

HB 1612: An anti-transgender bathroom bill which also requires school officials to contact parents if their student comes out as transgender at school. Specifically, the bill: prohibits people from using a public bathroom or changing facility which does not correspond with the sex listed on their birth certificate; allows people to sue a public institution if that institution allows transgender people to use the bathroom corresponding with their gender; and requires principals to, within 24 hours, notify parents if their child expresses a wish to be “recognized or treated as the opposite sex” or to use a name or pronouns “inconsistent with [their] sex.” While this item is being billed as a “Personal Privacy Act,” it can only be enforced if government institutions interrogate transgender people, or people of ‘ambiguous’ gender presentation, about their birth sex.

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