Tuesday, December 6, 2016

People's Congress 2016, with Virginia New Majority

Saturday, December 10th 2016, from 10am-3pm, at the Sacred Heart Center (1400 Perry Street, Richmond VA), Virginia New Majority is holding their 2nd annual People's Congress to discuss the current political crisis, strategize, and plan to mobilize for the 2017 Virginia General Assembly, beginning in January. The event will include workshops, trainings, discussion, and speakers. From the event description: 

"Voting is important, but it’s only the first step. To win the changes our communities need we must ACT NOW and build a mass movement to secure rights and justice for immigrants, expand health care, stop sea level rise, end mass incarceration, lower student debt, and put an end voter disenfranchisement."

Free, open to the public, but you must RSVP. Lunch will be provided. For details on childcare and transportation, see the link. 

For more information and to RSVP, see this link. To add this event to your Google calendar, click here

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