Monday, October 24, 2016

Virginia Benefit Event for Gaza & Refugees in Lebanon

Just a reminder: this is coming up! 

Saturday, October 29th 2016, at 6pm, at St. John’s United Church of Christ (503 North Lombardy Street, Richmond VA), ANERARichmonders for Peace in Israel and Palestine:RPIP-RVA, and the Arab American Association of Central Virginia are holding an event to benefit ANERA’s work in Palestine and Lebanon. 

ANERA President Bill Corcoran will give a presentation titled “Reviving Hope: Stories from Gaza & Lebanon,” about the situation on the ground in Lebanon and Palestine. “In addition to refugees’ needs and current conditions, you’ll hear stories of hope and success. From Syrian refugee teens in Lebanon who are finally able to get an education and pursue their dreams, to families in Gaza who’ve transformed fallow lots into thriving family farms, these stories will inspire.” 

The event is free to attend, but you must register. All proceeds will go to ANERA’s programs in Palestine and Lebanon. See the link for directions on registration

For more information, contact Hani Almadhoun at, Nancy Wein at (804) 214-1399, or Adeeb Abed at (804) 692-1943. 

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