Saturday, October 1, 2016

Right to Respect Speak Out and Rally Against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Raise Up! VA

This Thursday, October 6th 2016, from 11:30am-2pm, at the East Broad Street McDonald’s (1800 East Broad Street, Richmond VA), Raise Up! VA is hosting an open forum and speak-out on women’s rights in the workplace. From the event description:

“Women face sexual harassment on the job all too often and it is time to include a woman’s right to agency over her own body and spirit as part of the conversation around worker’s rights.

"Everyone deserves to feel safe and protected in their workplace. No one should feel forced to compromise themselves or their morals in order to earn a living. This is a human right. Workers will be speaking on their experiences and their vision for a safe, fair working environment. Join us!”

To RSVP, see the link. For more information or to request a ride, call 856-261-4544.

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